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" you feel your eyes shut and there was just blackness"

You feel you come back to your consciousness. The sound of sirens blaring filled your ears.

You slowly look to your right and see a man's feet. You assumed he was a fire fighter.
He crouched down to your window because your car was upside down.

Fire fighter: we're gonna get you out don't worry...does anything hurt.

You nodded your head.

Fire fighter:what hurts? *he said yelling over the sirens*

You couldn't move. You felt pain everywhere.

Y/N: e-ev-everywhere.

Fire fighter:ok..try not to move.

He ran to to get more fire fighters. They came back with tools. They began to tear your door off the car.
You see a few more people come with a stretcher.
3 fire fighters carefully grab you and put you on the stretcher.
They pushed you over to the ambulance. You look around to see the man that drove the semi truck. He was still in the truck. His body plunged into the windshield. He was dead.

You look over to the wooded area before looking back on the road.
You saw Jacob.

Y/N:Jacob..*you said softly*

He ran over to you. And held your hand.  You had blood everywhere on you. You see him tense up and his eyes get a bit vainy.

Y/N:I'm sorry..

Jacob: your ok..it's fine.

The ambulance people put you in the back of the ambulance.

Ambulance person:are you family?

Jacob looked at you not knowing what to say.

Y/N:yes..he's my husband. *you struggled to say it*

Ambulance person:uh ok you can get in.

Jacob sat next to you. He held your hand.  The nurses in the back of the ambulance put a mask over your face.  It helped you breath a lot better.

You felt very tired. But the nurses told you to stay awake.

Nurse:y/n..you have to stay awake.

You struggled to stay awake.

Nurse 2: if you fall asleep you might not wake up again...we need you to stay awake sweetie.

•at the hospital•

You stayed awake. They rush you in and nurses come out with another bed.
They lift you up. You pain was horrible.
You felt tears in your eyes before bursting out crying.

Y/N:it hurts!
Doctors:it's ok..just don't move ok. *they say trying to calm you down*

They roll you down a hallway.
You look down the hallway and saw Jacob. He had tears rolling down his cheeks.

You watch the doctors open up two doors leading into a room that looked like an operation room.

They grab a mask and put it on you. You felt tired.

Doctor: you can go to sleep now sweetie. Your gonna be fine. I promise.

Thoughts: he better keep that promise. I already died once. I'm not dying again.

You felt sleep take over.

•few hours later•

You woke up in a hospital room.
You tried to sit up but the pain was intolerable. You relaxed. Someone came in the room.

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