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              "Everything went black"

Waking up you felt a splitting head ache.

Y/N:ugh *you said holding your head*

You look at your surroundings and soon realized.

Your thoughts: "this is the room I was in before when absinthe's servant took me"

You let if a sigh. You felt extremely annoyed at this point.

You looked behind you to see a bed from the floor your sitting on.

You gasp.


You got up slowly and walked over to the bed. Jacob wasn't awake.
You shook his shoulder.


You got worried.
You shook him again.


You look forward wanting to cry.

You hear a gasp.

You look behind you and see Jacob. Sitting up and panting.

You felt so relieved.

Y/N:oh my gosh *you said putting your hand on your chest.*

Jacob looked at you.

Jacob: are you ok?

He said grabbing your hands.

Y/N:I'm fine. It was you I was worried about.

Jacob: I'm ok.

Y/N: did he kill you?

Jacob: he snapped my neck.

You groan.

Jacob:where are we? *he said looking around*

You look at him for a couple sentences before replying.

Y/N:this is where absinthe held me when she kidnapped me.

Jacob gave you a look of sorry.

You walked over to the door.

Y/N:hello? *you say shakily*

You hear a distant voice.
You look through the bars on the door and down the hallway.

Y/N: Lucy?


Y/N:are you ok?

Lucy:I'm fine.

You hear footsteps come towards you.
It was a guard.

Guard:get back. No talking!

Y/N: I cant tell me what to do!

The guard pulled out a plant stem. You were looking at it confused. It was tumeric. You try to pull in your hands from the outside of the door but the guard grabbed you and put the stem on your face causing it to steam against your skin and burn you. You tightened your eyes together.

You yelled in agony.

Y/N:stop! Please!

You hear Jacob run up next to you.

You hear a huge thud. You opened your eyes and see that guard against the wall.
Jacob was next to you.


Y/N:what are you doing here?

Joey looked at you. You see his hand squeeze tighter around the guards neck. The "snap"
The guard fell to the floor.

You breath hitched.

Joey:saving you guys...duh.

You smile. You new 'your joey' was back.

He broke open the door. You step out and run towards your siblings.


Lucy ran towards the door.

Lucy: don't. Go get Chris and Sarah first.

You pushed your eyebrows together.

You look behind you.

You see Chris and Sarah leaning against the wall unconscious.

You ran towards the door opening it.

You fall to your knees shaking Chris.


Joey came in and lifted you up.

Joey: we'll take care of him, i promise.

Y/N:what do you mean....he's not dead!

Jacob put his hands on your shoulders
from behind you.

Joey came up to you.

Joey: y/n he's fine.

You looked at Sarah.

Y/N: what about Sarah?!

Joey:they'll be fine. I promise.

Jacob pulled you away and you walked to a back exit with Lucy.

As soon as you got out. You soon were surrounded by people.

You looked at Lucy then Jacob.

Lucy gave you a look saying " let's do this"

You soon grabbed her hand and chanted.

"Spiritus dubcentia protego me"

You look at all the people who had surrounded it had fell to the ground.


You were about to leave when you heard screams.

You looked back.

Thoughts:joey! Chris! Sarah!

You tried to run back. Before you knew it Jacob was in front of you.

Jacob: you can't go in there!

Y/N: Jacob! They need our help! I can defend my self.

Jacob: They will be fine. You know Joey will protect them. I promise! We have to go now!

He grabs your hand pulling you along.

You look back at the building you heard your brother, sister and Joey scream in.

"I'll come back for you. I promise"
You said to yourself.

                    To be continued

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