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"You whispered something to him so only he can hear"

"I'm sorry" you whispered.

Jacob furrowed his eyebrows. He immediately ran towards you. He was in front of you in a split second.
You try to turn around when he grabs your arm preventing you from going anyway.

Jacob: what are you doing?

Y/N: I have to!

Jacob:y/n, look I get it. You put others before your self. But just this once think about yourself.

You paused while looking at him thinking.

Y/N: I will do anything to keep all of you safe.

Jacob sighed.

Jacob: I can't lose you again. Y/n please think. Stop being so selfless.

Y/N: I cant let them die Jacob. Or you.
I'm sorry.....if I don't make it out. Don't come back for me.

You cupped his face.

Y/N:you'll have to move on. *you look down upset at the thought of him moving on*

Jacob: I can't do that. I love you. Only you.

You sigh.

Y/N: promise me. I don't make it out. You won't come back for me.

Jacob shook his head no.

Y/N: promise me...

Jacob stood there looking at you.

Jacob: I- I can't

You look down.

Y/N: you have to promise me.

Jacob:*sigh* I promise.

You feel his grasp loosen on your arm. You grab his biceps.

Y/N: close you eyes.

You see his eyes get glassy.

Y/N:just close your eyes.

You place your hands over his eyes closing them.

You step back your him and say something causing you to disappear from in front of Jacob.

You looked around and you were back at the mansion sized house.

You notice your in the hallway where the cells are. You walk down the hallway passing a bunch a jail like cells.

You get out of the hallway and you see the two big doors you remember from the first you were here.

You open the door and immediately see . Your eyes widen.

Y/N: mom?!

Y/M: hey sweetheart *she said gently*

You see her tied up. You run over to her and try to untie her. But she stopped you.

Y/M: don't! It's laced with tumeric.

Y/N: how am I supposed to get you out?

Y/M: your not. You can't.

You looked at her in confusion.

Y/N: why?

Y/M: I doesn't matter. I just can't.

Y/N:well I can still untie you.

You lift your hands up and focus your energy on the tumeric laced rope.

You see it unravel and levitate into a straight line.

You watch as it drops to the floor. Your mom gets up and hugs you.
You wrap your arms around her tightly.

Y/N:I missed you so much.

Y/M: I missed you more.

You smile. Your mom was back.

Y/M: there's some people waiting for you.

You pull away from the hug.

Y/N:Chris, Sarah and Lucy?

She shook her head no. She moved her eyes over your shoulder looking behind you.


You hear someone say. You look behind you and couldn't believe your eyes. A huge smile appeared on your face.

Y/N: oh-m-y gosh. Emma? Addison? Amara?

(Btw Amara died. I know I didn't say anything about it. Let's just say she was killed after a few weeks of being a vampire👍)

Addison: hey. *she smiled hugely*

You ran over to them and you all had a group hug.

Y/N: your guys are back. *you smiled*

They looked at each other  with a weird look.

Emma: we're back. *she pressed her lips together giving a toothless smiled*

"Oh...how precious"

You heard the voice a person you came here to destroy. 

You turned around.

Y/N: absinthe.. *you gave her a glare*


You walk towards her.

She threw up her hand. You fell to the floor feeling your throat close up causing you to choke.

Absinthe walked down from the thrown she was standing in front of.

Absinthe: now..any last words? Hmm?

Y/N: y-ah. *cough* I-m gon-na kill y-ou.

You threw up one of your hands throwing absinthe up and hitting the ceiling and slam back down on the ground.

You hear absinthe groan.

Y/N: there's no use. Your gonna lose!

Absinthe looked up at you from the floor.

Absinthe: I won't let yo-u.

Y/N: I did nothing to you! It's a shame I have to do this to you! Tell me why the hell did I do to you!

Absinthe paused and stared at you.

Absinthe: you wanna know what you did? You destroyed my life! My family!

Y/N: that wasn't me for god sakes. Those people are dead! 

You throw her side ways hitting the wall.

Y/N: you know I did nothing. Why do you hold such a grudge against my kind!

Absinthe chuckled then her face returned to a straight face.

Absinthe:you killed her!


Absinthe: my daughter!

You face straightened.

"Absinthe had a daughter?" You said to yourself.

Y/N: you still don't get it. I didn't do it!

Absinthe:but you did.

Y/N: I didn't even live in that time!

Absinthe face has confusion written all over it.

Absinthe: then that means...

She looked over to the door way.then back a you

Absinthe: doppelgänger.

Y/N: what?

Absinthe: you have a doppelgänger*she said with a disgusted look on her face*

Y/N: what the- what's that.

"Its me"

                      To be continued
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