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           "You knew she was safe"

Y/N: we have so much to catch up on.
*you said turning around to look at Emma in the back seat.

Emma: I wasn't gone that long. Well I was but it was only a few months.

Y/N: still!

Addison: you guys have to fill me in on EVERYTHING!

You all laugh.

You look at Jacob who was still driving.
He looked at you with a soft and caring expression.


Jacob looked back at the road.

Jacob: nothing. *he smiled*

You hit his arm gently.

Y/N:what is it?

Jacob:it's just..your happy. I like it when your happy. *he looked at you then back at the road*


You arrive at a motel. It was small but it would do. You all get out and you stretch.

Jacob: I'm gonna go get us rooms.

Y/N:okay. *you nodded*

Amara: so who's sharing rooms?

Addison: well obviously y/n and her lover boy.

You laugh while blushing.

Emma:well me, addy and Amara can share one room.

Y/N: are you sure?

Emma:yeah,two of us can share a bed.

You nod your head.


You hear a door open. You look behind you see Jacob walking towards you guys.
He smiles and hold up two keys jangling them.

Addison: how did he know to get two rooms.

You turn around and gave her a sheepish smile.

Y/N: I have my ways *you wink then laugh*

Addison laughed and wrapped her arm around you.

Addison:I missed you girl.

Y/N: I missed you to.

Emma:hey what about us! *she said pointing to herself and Amara.*

Up turn towards them. You laugh and open your arms to embrace them.

Y/N: I missed you all.

They all hugged you. You guys were enjoying the hug until Jacob interrupted.

Jacob:*cough* um sorry to interrupt but- *he hold up the keys*

Y/N: right!... let's go to our rooms.

You take one of two keys and hand it to Emma. You grab Jacob's hand and you guys walk to your room.


Y/N: room 103, 103, 103. Oh here it is!

Jacob looked at the door with the number on it.

Jacob: unlock it.

You insert the key and open the door.

You walk in and see the bed on the left and the tv on the right. You look ahead and see the bathroom. You walk into the bathroom.

THE VISION(JS&JB Imagine) Where stories live. Discover now