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                "Winter is special"


                    ~6 months later~

The triplets are 6 months old. You love being with them. You've learned more and more about them each day. But...

You still haven't had your transformation...Your dreading the day your transformation comes. Parting from the kids for only god knows how long. Your also scared for the transformation. You worry it might hurt or you might not be able to transform back in a human again. You've been thinking very negative about it... anyway.

Jacob loves the kids... he's always playing with them, it's adorable. Recently he bought Nick some new shirts and is trying to dress him like him. It's kinda funny. Freya is just the sweetest little thing. She loves to give hugs. She's obsessed with kiwi, she loves it... and Winter. She's a bit different. Like her sister she's super sweet but she's stubborn. She's very different. Just over the time of 6 months she has shown how powerful she may become. Her sister and her brothers powers are powerful but nothing compared to hers...


"Oh, freya. Don't throw your food"  Sarah said.

You just laugh.

The triplets were all sitting in there high chairs eating lunch.

Jacob: she doesn't like that Sarah. Just give her kiwi.

Sarah huffed.

Sarah: she needs to try new things..

Y/N: she has her whole life to try new things. She 6 months old, c'mon.

Sarah: ugh.. fine.

She grabbed a kiwi from the fridge and cut it into pieces then gave them to Freya.

Nick is eating his mac n cheese. His favorite.

Winter was having her favorite cinnamon swirl bread.

You stand up from the couch and walk over to winters high chair.

Y/N: hi winter.. aww my sweet little girl. *you said in a baby voice*

You look over at Freya and do the same thing. Then you get to Nick. You look at his face to see cheese from his food all around his mouth. You just giggle.

Y/N: oh my gosh nick. You gonna be a handful when your older, I already know it. *whispers* just like your daddy.

Jacob: hey! I'm not a handful.

You laugh and disagree with him.

Y/N: you can be.

Jacob: so can you.

Y/N: ok, and... *you look at him with your arms across your chest*

He stood there staring at you with a gentle look in his eyes. A small grin appeared onto his face.

Y/N: what?

Jacob: I love you...so much.

He walked towards you, grabbed your waist. You lift your arms to wrap around his neck. He lifts you up just a bit to adjust you to his height. He hugged you.

He pulled away and looked at you.

Jacob: your absolutely perfect..

You had to disagree.

Y/N: I'm am not. *you flung your arms to the side, you hear something shatter.*

You look towards the loud noise. It was the glass shelves on the wall.

Y/N: oops.

Jacob just laughed.

                      To be continued

             Love you guys so much!! 💕

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