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"This child is going to be loved"

Lucy turns around and starts to run up the stairs.

Lucy: I'll be right back!

You all stand there waiting for her to come back. You hear her footsteps, then see her come down the stairs.

She held a small fabric in her hand.

Y/N: what is that?

She looked down at the fabric in her hand.

Lucy: for my little niece...or nephew. *she laughed*

She hands you the small blanket.
You look at it in aww.
You look in the middle of the blanket. There was writing on it.

You look up at her and smile.

Y/N: how'd you know?

She smiled

Lucy: I'm your sister..twin sister.
*she emphasized the word twin*


Sarah: please! Tell me.. i wanna know!

You walk to the living room from the dining room.

Y/N: you can wait till the baby shower. *you said laughing*

Sarah: how come Lucy gets to know.

You turn around to look at her.

Y/N: she found out on her own. I didn't tell her. Now...why don't you help Chris with dinner.

She huffed.

Sarah: aye...remember I'm older. *she crossed her arms over her chest*

Y/N: and...?

She scoffed and turned on the heels of her feet and walked to the kitchen. You just laughed.


You called Jacob and told him to come over for dinner. You told him to bring Kaylee and Joey along.

You hear the front door open, followed by a Kaylee's voice

Kaylee: we're here!

You walk out and see Kaylee. You reach your arms out and hug her. You look over her shoulder and see Joey staring back at you. You smile. You pulled away from Kaylee.

Kaylee: now..what's for dinner?

Y/N: go look.

She stepped around you and walked  to the kitchen. You walk over to Joey. You look at him for a second before you give him a hug.

He pulled away and looked at Jacob standing behind him. You blush at the sight of Jacob. You step around joey and extended your arms towards Jacob. You wrap your arms around his neck, while his arms wrap around your waist. He kissed your cheek.

Y/N: hey..guess what?

Jacob: what?

Y/N: I picked out a name.

Jacob: we don't know the gender. Your not even a 3 months along...how?

You pull the shirt your wearing up showing the tiniest baby bump.

You turned to the side and looked at Jacob. He looked at your stomach. You see a smile spread across his face.
You smile at the sight of him smiling.
He looked back up at you.

Jacob: I don't want to know.

Y/N: what?

Jacob: the gender or the name. I will wait till the baby is born.

THE VISION(JS&JB Imagine) Where stories live. Discover now