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You bring your hands to your face hiding.

Y/N:I know...I'm so stupid. This is so dangerous.

Kaylee looks up at you and smiled.

Kaylee: this is not a bad thing.

Y/N: how?

Kaylee got up and hugged you.

Kaylee:it's...a baby. It's wonderful

You smiled as she hugged you but you felt a big knot in your stomach as soon as she said the word 'baby'
You pulled away. You realize you are ACTUALLY having a baby.

Y/N: oh my-

You cup your hands over your mouth and look down feeling tears burn your eyes.

Y/N: I'm gonna- I'm having a baby.

You look up at Kaylee who was smiling. You could see the happiness shooting out of her.

Kaylee: your gonna be a great mother.

Y/N: but..I'm only 17. I'm not ready for this.

Kaylee: y/n...you've handled so many things. Heck. You were wanted dead. But you made it. I understand this is a lot. I do. But I know you can do it. We all with be with you every step of the way. You are going to love this child so much. 

You give a small grin.

Y/N: I just...i don't know how to tell him. What if he gets mad. What if he leaves me. Oh my-

Kaylee: y/n...calm down. He's not going to do any of that. He will be so happy. He loves you, and he will love this baby.

You smile but still had worry in your eyes.

Y/N: when- when do I tell him. Hell, how do I tell him. Kaylee this is so dangerous.

Kaylee: I know it's dangerous. But I know you and jacob will protect that child with your life.

You hug her one more time. You felt so happy to have Kaylee. You felt happy you had all the people in your life now.
You pulled away and took a breath.

Y/N: I'm gonna go tell him.


You were walking down the stairs to hear Jacob talking. You heard someone else's voice as well. You stopped in the middle of the stairs.

" we need you guys"

Jacob: we can't...not right now.

You decided to keep walking down the stairs. You get to the bottom and they immediately stop talking and look at you.

You see the person he was talking to.

Y/N: oh hey Cameron.

Cameron: hi Luna. *he bowed his head slightly*

Y/N: don't do that.

Cameron: um..sorry Luna.

Y/N: no big deal. I'm just not ready for the queen like affection..I guess.

You look at Jacob and give him a look.
Jacob furrowed his eye brows.

Y/N: I need to talk to you.

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