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"I don't know, love"

Jacob looked at you worried. You felt his body tense.

Jacob:should we go to the hospital?

Y/N: no, I don't want to.

Jacob:i wanna make sure your ok.

Y/N: I'm ok..I promise.

You heard a ring. You looked to the other side of the bed. Jacob's phone was ringing. Jacob walked over to it. He looked at it before answering.

Jacob:hello? *he said as he walked out of the room*

You couldn't take it anymore. The pain was to much. You look to the night stand beside you. You grab your phone that was sitting on it. You turn on your phone and go to contacts and scroll till you see 'Lucy' you pressed it calling her.
She answers
Lucy:you ok?
Y/N: not really..
Lucy: are you in pain?
You smile because she already knew.
Y/N:yeah. I can't heal by myself.
Lucy:ok, we'll be right over.
Y/N:ok bye love you.
Lucy:bye, love you to.

When Chris, Sarah and Lucy arrived they came upstairs and into Jacobs room.

They sat on the bed around you.
Chris grabbed your hand. While his held Sarah's and hers held Lucy's.
They closed there eyes along with you.

In unison:simul, ut sana, simul, ut sana.

You feel the bones shift a bit in your body. You feel the pain go away completely. You released a breath a breath you didn't know you were holding.

You felt so much better.

You put your legs over the side of the bed. You push yourself off the bed and stand up.

You smile happy to be able to stand without being in pain.

You walk down stairs. Chris, Sarah and Lucy follow close behind.

Jacob looked at you. He smiled.
Then his smile faded while looking at the ground.

Y/N: what's wrong?

Jacob: it's...uh. *he took a deep breath*

Y/N:what? Spit it out.


Y/N:what about her? *you said confused knowing her body was being controlled by absinthe*

Jacob:she um.. she's gone, love.

You step back. You tried to think of what he meant by " she's gone"

Y/N:what do you mean? *you say confused*

Jacob:absinthe.. killed her.

Killed her. Those words hit me so hard.
I didn't believe it. Why is everyone dying on me? Why her?!


Jacob:her parents called... they wanted to break the news to us.

Y/N:she's not dead! There's no way!

You began to pace back and forth.


Y/N: don't . *you said coldly*

Y/N: why! My life is a plague. Everyone I care about dies. Who knows who's next. First Addison, my mom, now Emma. And even partially of Amara.

You look at Lucy. She had tears coming out of her eyes. There was a silence.

Then the front bursted open.
You see a person stand in the door way.
They were wearing a cloak.

They walk in.

They pull the cloaks hood back revealing the person beneath it.

?: I'm back *they said evilly*

You face turns into pure anger.

Y/N: absinthe..

Absinthe: thought you could get rid of me that easy huh?

You looked at her with hatred.

Absinthe:now...I've come to warn you.
3 months from now. Be ready.

You raised your eye Browns.
You didn't understand.

"Ready for what?"

                   To be continued

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