One Two Three

40 3 4

Hello loves,  thank you for taking the time out and reading my book. This was truly my first first book on a old account. I never finished it. Just incase you do come across the old one,  i wanted to make it clear that i didn't steal any body's story. I got locked out of that account never really took the time to get back in. But uhhh yeah lol enjoy

Caution : Strong Language, Sex Scenes, Murder, Etc You've Been Warned

Please hold back from being rude i will delete and mute you. If you do not like the story just press the back button please and thank you. Now you can Enjoy....... R3dd

I lay in my bed looking at the broken ceiling. Water drips out making a muddy puddle on the dirty concrete floor.

Listening to Chole as she sits in the dark corner rocking and counting without notice. It drives me fucking crazy. I believe they did this on purpose. Just to see if i would snap. I wouldn't give them the pleasure.

"One, two, three, four, five six, seven"

Then she repeats until she gets restless and falls asleep.

"Chole shut the fuck up! Why must you always fucking count?"

Day in day out that's all she does. She was raped by her father for years. No one believed her. Even the ones that did turned a blind eye to it. Oneday she couldn't take it anymore she went bat shit crazy on his druken ass. She killed and cut him up in to small pieces with a axe. She cooked and ate off him for 2 months at the age 12. She made gumbo out that nigga and used his bones as salt.

But nobody wanted to hear her pity story. All they heard was she offed the fucking mayor. They sent her here to the Spring Field Crazy house. This will be where she stays until they feel she is "fit" to come out and be normal as they put it. They keep you here ubtil the age 18. If you still don't neet there standards they send you to the grown home.

The faded door creeks opened leaking light in the small room me and her share. She begins rocking faster and counting louder not bothering to look up. She always counts to seven then repeats. I never understood why buy again i couldn't find it in me to even give a fuck either.

The bitch fron hell walks in Miss Love. A over weight middle aged sad mean woman. Her husband left her ass a years back.  Saying he couldn't make her happy so what was the point of staying with her. Him and his lawyer ran off to Mexico. They got married and he or she hasn't been seen since. Miss Love was hurt and angry. She just takes all her anger out on us. The more you scream the happier she is.

"Come on Miss Lewis. Everything is going to be ok, I promise. We are going to take good care of you. Its medicine time. You like this time remember sweetheart. It takes away all the nightmares and pain"

I roll my eyes at the crazy lady. She probably doesn't even have nightmares of her father anymore. There probably all of this place.

"No No.... Please I'll be good. Leave me alone crazy bitch! Get the fuck away from me!"

Miss Love jabs a syringe in her neck

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven"

Her eyes blink slowly rolling to the back of her head. She falls limp to the concrete floor. Miss Love doesn't even attempt to catch her but neither did I . Her head hits the ground hard. Blood makes a puddle around her matted brown hair. She removes the syringe from her neck placing it in her front pocket.  I guess to get rid of it later. There not suppose to give us any medicine only the doctors are. But no one follows the rules here.

She looks over to me. I give her a i dont care look

"You see nothing you hear nothing girl. You hear me?"

My response is my middle finger going up to her.

She walks to me slapping me across my face. She pushes me back on the bed roughly. Catching a feel on my b cup breast taking her lustful fingers down my flat stomach to my....

"Miss Love! Come on I don't have all fucking day! What the hell are you doing in there?"

She draws my running her finger tips down my lips

"Ill deal with you later"

She whispers in my ear with a wicked smile on her caked up oily face. She backs up grabbing Chole by her arm dragging her out the room. She slams and locks the door behind her.

"Dont fucking rush me she was putting up a fight"

I make no move, I just sit there thinking about my life before I up here 9 years ago. I mean there's not much more you can do in a mental hospital. Well i say mental hell. Because this hell has became my reality, my darkness...... my home

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