🌬️Shake that shit off

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I'm currently sitting here holding her. I don't know if she's fucking crazy or not. I feed off people's emotions but with her it's hard as fuck. I guess I'm crazy for holding her close. She might have killed her entire family. I couldn't judge her off that thou. Ah nigga did that to his family but my brother. Shit fucking around with lul shawt we can fuck the world up.

I deal with two people inside me sometimes. It's me King the cocky muthafucker and then there's KD a ruthless nigga that has to many people under his belt to count that he's offed. She stirs a little bit I take that as my cue to lay her down on the bed and move my distance. I can't have her fall for a nigga. I'm to deep I'll fuck up her life. I meant that shit when I told her that shit even if she doesn't take it seriously. Moving to her favorite spot the window. I take out the half of blunt sparking it up looking at the moon light. Yeah I don't want her to fall for ah nigga. She already looks broken, I won't let her get close she doesn't need any more pain in her life. I won't be here long any fucking way . But It'll still be enough time for her to get her hope back. I already know how this will end and begin. She'll fall deep I'll disappear she will blame herself her life ends. I know because I've been through that shit before. To her very last time taking a breath as the pills she devoured right before I walked in. There was nothing I could do, but to hold her and watch her take that last breath. That was when I got worst. I enjoy doing what I do, I'm a fucked person. And I've lost my emotions that pretend that they are there.

"Why are you up?"

I turn to the beauty behind me with innocence that looks up at me with in pain.

"Couldn't sleep"

She nods looking down for a moment while playing with her fingers. We sit in silence watching the sun rise. The door opens with the Love bitch. She slams two trays down on the floor. She walks out to the next room I'm guessing. Queen picks her tray up walking to the bathroom. I hear the toilet flush before she appears again with a empty tray.

"Fuck you do that for?"

She shrugs throwing the tray in front of the door

"They try to trick me in to taking my medicine. Since I will bite the fuck out of them they put it in my food. It makes me feel bad and more depressed then I already am. Makes you feel as if your losing your mind. You don't get better. You eating?"

"Hell no after the shit you just told me. Fuck I look like"

She takes my food doing the same as she did hers.

She sits back on the bed looking in deep thought

"What that mouth do?"

She gives me the stink eye before we both bust out laughing. The door opens to Miss Love.

"Come on you two"

I sigh, I honestly don't have time for this crazy shit. I got one mission and I haven't gotten even close to finishing it.

My people go back and forth for a minute before deciding to go with the flow. Getting up and walking to the door. Miss Love bites her lip as I get to her. Bitch please she touch I'll kill her ass. Deep down she knows that shit.

She walks me a door telling me stay. She walks Queen to the door next to mine pushing her in.

"Ah ah don't try to save her. I honestly don't understand why you would try to help somebody that killed her entire family including her unborn brother. Out of jealousy she killed them all. Such a shame"

I don't believe the shit. Even if she did I can't judge.

I smirk

"That type shit makes my dick hard"

She looks taken back

"Um just go sit down on the chair in there. The doctor will be here shortly"

I wink before leaving to sit down.

"Ace knock that shit off mane"

"Or what nigga? Fuck you going to do? Off ah nigga?"

Closing my eyes getting control of myself again

"I'll be quiet since you acting like a lil bitch"

The doctor comes in asking me questions that I easier lie to.

Hearing a scream makes me look to the door. A man with a doctor coat walks while pulling a crying Queen by her hair. As soon as I get up the doctor presses a button locking me in the room. Queen locks eyes with me while tears stream down her face. I start hitting the window, when it begins to crack the doctor calls for back up. When I can't see Queen any more I turn around wanting blood.

Grabbing the bitch by the throat tightly.

"I should kill you! I haven't killed since I got here. I'm feeling the urge though. You ever watched somebody take there last breath and you were the cause? The feeling makes me feel alive. Hear your heart beating faster? Your thoughts are jumbled? Get Queen help bitch! Do you hear me?  "

She can't talk but she nods.

I hear the door behind me, I hear the dart coming to my left so I Dodge right. He missed me both times which seems he only brought two with him. I drop the bitch to my feet watching her try to get her breath back. Ace is disappointed in the fact she's breathing.

"Get over it"

I put my hands up slowly turning around.

"Walk to me slowly"

I can hear the tremble in his voice I can smell his fear. He cuffs me and walks me out the room. I see the doctor that was with Queen.

"Aye doc"

He looks bored which I laugh at

"What is it?"

I get closer so he's the only one that can hear me

"Imma kill you before I leave this shit. But if I don't have enough time I'll come back for the job"

Seeing the fear will let me sleep good tonight. That and the fact Queen will be curled up to me.

I walk off whistling a tune

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