Love Thy Self

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Waking up in a sweat and no breath coming out my lungs. I dreamed my uncle was standing outside the house. He was bloody and smiling whistling a tune. Him and my papa would sing the song when we were out fishing in the pond in the back.

The sun was coming up by now so,there was need to try to go back to sleep. King held on like a second skin. Gently prying his arms from around my waist without waking him up.

Going to the bathroom taking a quick shower. Walking to the closet grabbing a t shirt that my father out grew a long time ago. He kept things saying this side was the just in case. I rolled my eyes at the memory. He probably still had things from when he was a small child.

Grabbing a pair of my mothers shorts and boots. A folder falls knocking me on the head. It was sealed with my name on it. Biting my lip I think against opening it right this minute. I didn't feel like crying and getting in my feelings. Putting it back I remember so I can read it later. Walking back to the bathroom putting the clothes on, the shorts were a little short but it was better than nothing.

Peeking out the bathroom I could see King still asleep. Walking through the house quietly I could see everybody else was also still asleep. Going through the back door to the old barn I grab a fishing pole and two buckets.

Digging a hole in the dirt so the worms can be seen. When the bottom of the bucket is filled I walk over to the pond. I sit there for a moment in silence, just listening to the birds chirp. The air smelled fresh and clean something I forgot about. It was a tad bit Misty and the grass had morning dew as a top layer.

Grabbing the pole jabbing a poor little worm through the hook. Sitting there was bringing me peace. There was plenty of fish willing to be caught this morning. Even after all these years there were a bunch of fish still swimming. They were much bigger then I remember though. I could feel him before I seen him creep up behind me.

"Your up early"

He chuckles

"I could say the same about you. And the 10 fish in that bucket is telling me you've been up for awhile."

He sits next to me watching me as I jab another work

"You nasty as fuck"

Looking at his face makes me throw my head back with a hearty laugh.

"You want to try?"

"Fuckkk no"

Shrugging my shoulders feeling a nibble on the line I pull up. Throwing the fish in the bucket along with the rest. Standing up dusting my butt off

"You need help"

The devilish smirk on his face told me he didn't want to help at all

"No thank you"

Grabbing my things I head back to the barn. Putting the fishing pole and empty bucket back where I got it from.

Taking the fish to the chop chop table. Don't judge me that was the name to me growing up.

"Sweetheart what you doing?"

"If you don't like guts I advise you to go back in the house"

He gives me a dead pan look

"I ain't no bitch"

"Can you go get me a wet rag please"

He does what I ask coming right back.

Grabbing the knife wiping it off with the rag carefully.

In one slight movement the head is off and tossed in the head bucket. Cutting the stomach open to remove the insides.

"Awww she was pregnant"

Looking at Kings face


"Baby girl you got some issues"

He chuckles to himself. But I couldn't understand what he meant. Gutting and cleaning the fish carefully.

Going in the kitchen I wash them up real nice and season them with that stank. It's allot of different types of season mixed together. Getting a iron pan from the cabinet and oil that hasn't been opened yet. I send a silent  prayer that this old grease will not make us sick.

King sits on the counter watching my moves.

Getting a finger tips of water splashing it in the grease hearing the pops let's me know it's ready.

Coating the fish with flour and putting  them in the grease one by one. Grabbing a pot I make some grits before going back to tend to the fish that we're floating to the top. Grabbing some paper towels lining a plate then taking the fish out putting them on there. Grabbing the last five to repeat the process.

When everything is done I sit it at the table. I already made King and my plate.

"Dame girl make me fuck around and marry ya beautiful ass"

Laughing while shaking my head enjoying my own plate.

I could help but think.... What now? We couldn't stay here forever, sooner or later they would come looking for us. And my best guess this will be the first place they look.

"Everything is going to be ok"

He himself was questioning...What now? This mission turned in to something else. It was supposed to be in and out. But ah nigga feelings got caught up in the mix. He had been gone from the streets a good little minute now. He didn't know  what it was going to be when he did get back. He knew he had to come up with a plan to get revenge for his nephew and brother. His brother was street nigga along with him but his mentality is to let shit ride out and see what happens. But King was a ride now and fuck later. That's how he got on the top. He was ruthless a troubled nigga that nobody dared to cross. But he felt he was being tried. Everybody knew who his family was and they knew not to fuck with them. There was no way around it. So killing his big brothers girl and seed was sending a message. King smiled thinking...message received

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Bullets hit the main door without warning. Akoni sits back watching the scene while smoking a blunt pressed against the car. Young sits on the car smoking his own watching the building and his beautiful wife.

"You ready?"

He smiles showing his sexy bullet dimples


He grabs his gun from the back waist band while Akoni has her AK tucked under her arm.

Walking in the smokey building nurse body's being dropped left and right. Screams and cries lingers in the air Young stayed in the back shooting any nurse that came Akoni's way

Akoni walks to each door unlocking them peaking inside. Queen was in none. Akoni walks to the last door where a old lady sits smiling. She was Indian crossed looking so calm

"The Queen Is Free And So Are We. Your Paths Will Meet You Just Have To Wait And See. Let Her Grow To Be The Queen We Need"

Akoni didn't know what to say or do

"Where was her room?"

"The empty one"

Akoni walks back to the room looking it over. There was nothing to go off of. Maybe the old lady was right. But Akoni felt there was no time for that. She could see dried up blood stains on the floor. Wondering if it was Queens. She walks to the bathroom feeling the floor move just a tad bit. Any other person probably wouldn't notice it. Removing the floor she pulls out a bag of weed. Smiling softly welp she's definitely family.

The workers come in worried expressions

"What now?"

"Free the victims burn the rest"

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