Scub Ah Dub Dub In The Tub

21 2 1

"Get your ass up! It's time to wash and then therapy Queen."

Miss Love says standing over me. I'm far from asleep but I keep my eyes closed as of I was. Feeling a sharp pinch on my shoulder makes me jump up giving a death stare. I swear I hate this fucking bitch

Now I've been around with probably most if not all dumb ass nurses and doctors in this wing. When I say been around it means cursed, fought, spat whatever I could do to make then leave me the fuck alone. But Miss Love has not been one to fucking play with. She has been the meanest cruelest bitch in here. Since my time in here I've made 36 nurse cry and quit while making 10 doctors that was trying to cure me feel like they belonged in this shit. But the bitch just wouldn't disappear to save my fucked up life.

"Hurry the fuck up! I have other things to sit here and baby sit your stupid ass while your in your little fucked up world."

Her hands are gripping her hips while she looks me up and down with a hard stare.

Scrunching up my face I think against doing the evil shit that's running through my mind at this moment. Rolling my eyes huffing, I get up letting the thin blanket fall to the ground.

Walking out the door so I'll be walking in front of her. She doesn't trust anybody behind her. With good reasons I guess.

The bathroom is located at the end of the hallway. We pass each room slowly. Every door I pass the screaming and shouting coming from it stops. Silence that will remain until I go back to my room.

Stepping in the shower removing the damp itchy material from my sticky body. Standing there bracing myself for the worst part

She gets the hose putting it on full speed almost knocking me off my feet. The cold water awakes every cell in my body one by one. Pushing her slightly earns a hard slap to my face. After a few more minutes she turns it off.

"You know the drill"

Waking my shivering body slowly over to the tubs. She uncovers the fully steamed tub halfway from the sheet. The sheet keeps the water from running cold. In my opinion the I don't think this  shit would run cold if it was left for two days.

"Get the fuck in! Dam"

Slowly I get in, my body having a hard time adjusting from the cold to hot water.

She ties the cover to my neck so I can't move. This kind of theopy is supposed to make the patient relaxed. I don't understand how they believe that with the water this fucking hot. But I suppose it's better than the cold shock treatment.

" I'll be back in a hour, don't go any where"

She laughs while walking out the door and locking me in

The water drains and begins filling once again.


It feels as if my skin is fucking boiling.

When my hour is over Miss Love comes in looking pissed off. She throws the clothes on the floor before untiring me. Grabbing me by my hair pulling my naked flesh completely out the tub.

When I snatch away from her her fist with her wedding ring connects to my face.

"Put the clothes on and hurry the fuck up"

She storms out the room leaving me there. Putting on the some what clean gown on with the socks.

Walking out the room she stands there with a bored expression.

"Lets go Dr Wes is waiting for you"

When I walk in his office he's looking over someone's folder. He looks up giving me a creepy ass smile

"Hello Queen how are you doing today?"

I just nod

"Tsk tsk we are going to have you talking one of these days. Yes we are oh yes we are"

I look at the grey head man that's going bald at the top. His wrinkles by his eyes make him look like a loving grandpa. His blue eyes look a deep ocean. I don't know who I hated the most him or Miss Love.

"Lay back"

Shaking my head no fast

"Awe come on now don't be that way. After treatment there will nothing else today. You can go have free time"

Rolling my eyes

He whistles making Rex come through the door. Rex pleads with me through his eyes. But I don't budge.

"Tie her up in the chair, I'll be right back "

"Why you do this Queen? Stop making shit harder for yourself"

Throwing my middle finger to him. He shakes his head picking me up placing me in the chair. A belt goes across my head then my waist, my arms and my legs.

"This is for your own good just do what the Doc says Queen"

"Thank you Rex, when I'm finished I want you to take her to free time with the others"

Rex stands by the door watching

Wes places a sponge in my mouth then the head of the machine on my temples. There's no way I can prepare myself for this. He turns the machine on making my body feel as if it is going in shock. My body shakes but I keep saying my memories in my head so I don't forget. That's the reason for this shock theopy to forget everything in your past. Make you in to a better person. I don't want to forget it's apart of me for the rest of my life. It feels like 100 years have passed but finally he stops the machine.

"Great job"

He gives me a bottle of water with two aspirin. My body will be some what sore. I take the pills knowing I will need them to get my memories back on track.

"That's all Miss Queen, you can take her now Rex"

He walks me the common room before leaving me. I grab my book from under the couch. I wrote my memories down then paste them to a magazine.

Marcy walks close to me I hiss like a cat making her run in fear. She's afraid of cats for some reason. She would catch cats and torture them, when she grew tired of them she would break there necks. Her mother found out and punished her locking her in her room. When her mother left she gathered as many cats as she could killing them and putting them in the bathtub. When her mother returns from a night of getting high she sees what her daughter has done. She told herself the next morning she  would drop her off some where to get help.But Marcy had other plans. She ended up killing her mother and sewing the cats to her mother's body. Saying all the things I'm scared of in one. They found her a week later dropping her off here.

"Fresh Meat!!!!"

I don't care about any body new coming to this shit hole. So I continue to repeat my memories over and over.

But feeling eyes on me makes me look up. Brown eyes connect with mine. He winks blowing a kiss my way.

"Keep it going King"

I play with it in my mind for a bit then letting it slip off my tongue smiling


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