Burn Babi Burn

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I'm waking up in the middle of the night. A younger nurse runs in looking scared.

"Don't just sit there and look at me! Get the fuck up the building is on fire"

The sirens ring loudly making my ears ring

Slowly removing the covers off of me. She looks at me as if Im crazy. She grabs my arm pulling me out in to the hallway. I guess I was the last one to get saved,the rest of the doors are already swung opened and rooms empty. Deep down I wish they would have forgotten about me.

It's chaos as we walk outside. But everything stills and goes quiet as soon as my presences is known. They all turn to the fire watching the so called hospital go up in flames. Feeling a squeeze on my ass takes my attention behind me. The new boy and another is standing not to far from me. The new boy hits the boy in his stomach smirking as he watches the boy double over in pain.

Miss Love steps in to view just as he looks my way.

"Everybody stay calm the fire will be out in a few and we will figure out what we will do from there"

She looks me up and down with a unknown look on her face. The trucks come putting the fire out. But what I can tell most of the building is gone completely. They rush us to the part that's not burnt. I can still feel the heat as we walk through. This building was for the doctors and nurses to sleep in awhile ago. But the hospital has lost to many. So they go home and let a new person take over now until there next shift. So the rooms are vacant.

"It'll be three to a room but one will have two to a room. The ones we feel can not be with anyone will have a room to themselves. Understand?"

She begins pairing each three to a room. When she picks the three she walks them in the room locking them in.

"Alright Mr.King you will have the last room with a room mate"

I don't get the chance to see who he is room mates with. A set of arms wrap around my stomach covering my mouth

"Queen please don't fight. Just come with ease"

I don't fight I just walk with him this time. I can feel someone stareing a hole in the back of my head. But I don't dare look behind me. We arrive to the doctors office. Rex gives me a gentle push before shutting the door and locking it. I can hear his footsteps fade in the back drop.

"Sit down Queen"

I stay in my spot


I don't know why hearing his voice boom in the some what small room made my heart beat pick up. My body moves on its own placing me in the chair. He comes around locking me in tightly.

"Queen how did you do it?"

"Do what?"

He slaps me so hard the spit fly's across the room.

"Don't you play stupid with me!"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Ok so you didn't start the fire?"

"How could I if was locked in the room"

"Smart ass bitch, so you do know how to talk"

He puts a shot in my arm making me where I can't move but I can feel. The only thing I can control on my own body is my eyelids and eyeballs.

He puts the all to familiar shocks on my forehead. The sponge in my mouth. I can just sit there.

"Guess we need to uping the shock wave huh"

I relive my life over and over so I don't forget. I remember all the good memories I have. Feeling each shock. It's like it's one by one. It seems like hours has passed even it's only been a few minutes. It goes off and on feeling like it's never going to end. My eyes weep again not under my control.

He unties me smiling that stupid smile he does.

My body slumps forward, my head is thumping. Memories begin but don't end. My chest raises up and down with sweat beads dripping down my face.

He laughs but the sound goes in and out of my ears. He punches me three times in my stomach. Then takes a scrapple cutting me on my arms to make blood pour.

"Don't get smart next time"

He hits my face one last time before calling Rex to come get me and take me to my room.

Rex lifts me up making me dizzy. The room is literally spinning around me. The doctor pops a pill in my mouth. When I'm out the room I spit it out

"Queen don't do that, if he found out me and you both would be in deep shit"

His words go on deaf ears. I could care less about what he has to say to me. He's no better then rest of them here. He stands by and watches how they do me

"Fuck you Rex! You act like you care about me. You really don't I can see through your fake shit. Your there monkey. Whatever they say you run to there rescue. Your nothing but a fucking do boy"

"That's not true Queen"

"Me and you both know it's true. Your nothing and only here to be used. Nothing more and nothing less. Take me to my room I have no more desire to talk to you any longer."

He looks at me with a sad expression. And just like that it turns a hard stone one. I don't give a fuck the truth hurts sometimes. We make it to my room, he opens the door throwing me to the ground. My head bounces up and down on the floor making me laugh

"Fucking pussy"

As I get back up he kicks me in the ribs.

He slaps me making my lip bust. My vision is getting blurry at this point. He goes for another hit but some one stops him. He spits at my feet.

"Fuck boy"

He slams and locks the door.

Some one raises me in there arms close to there chest.

Looking up seeing his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Kill me"

Feeling my eyes close I'm out like a light. Not knowing what's going on around me.

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