Blood Stains

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Walking to the living room I could still see the blood stains. The police things laid around from that night. Memories flashes here and there of the night that changed my entire life. It's funny how one thing that has nothing to do with you can come YOU.

King stays in the door way not making a move but letting me know he was there for me.

My finger tips glad across the old couch. My Dolls laid on the floor beside it untouched for so long.

Walking to the kitchen of cupboards that we're still full of canned food and homemade jelly's. I could picture mama standing at the store with a smile on her face. A stray tear rolls down my cheek but it's caught mid drip.

"You good?"

I nod softly giving him a small smile

"We can not be staying here!"

Rolling my eyes at the dramatic bitch that tagged along.

"I mean lul baby you can sleep outside that's where dogs belong anyway"

I shrug my shoulders walking out and up the stairs.

My room untouched the blanket still thrown over the bed. Grabbing my necklace out my waist band. I almost forgot it but remembered at the last minute.

Walking to my parents room, I was barely ever allowed in here as a young child. I laugh at the memory.

Walking to the closet grabbing some t shirts and sleep pants that I believe will fit everybody. They will have to do for the moment.

King grabs them out my hands to give each person a pair. I grab for myself some white basketball shorts and a black beater.

I wanted to take a long shower. My papa showed me a long time ago how to turn the water on when it was turned off. Going out side rigging some things up so we can have hot water and lights.

Walking back in the house everybody is standing in the living room. All eyes go to me when I'm fully in the room.


"You turned the lights on?"

"Yeah a old trick I learned awhile ago. Blankets are in the closet along with towels in the hall closet"

With no other words I walk back to my parents room to use there bathroom. Running the water adding bubbles and bath salt to the steaming water. Hearing a tap at the door I blow my breath. Opening the door King stands there. Opening the door wider so he can fit in.

"They fighting who is going to take a shower first"

"You can join but I'm taking a bath"

He shrugs removing his clothes, looking away doing the same. Tip toe first before im completely surrounded in the water. I sighed at the feeling, almost forgetting there was another body in here with me. His eyes haven't let me since I dropped my clothes. King slips behind me carefully.

"Dame ma you trying to boil init"

Laughing softly

"My bad I didn't know I was going to have company"

He leans me back so my head is resting on the side of his neck. He's to tall for the bathtub so his feet dangle on the side of the tub. He puts my hair in the water then grabbing shampoo and conditioner lathering it in my curls. The feeling was absolutely fucking amazing. Closing my eyes while he massages my temples. I could feel the grime washing away. My hair felt almost lighter and cleaner even with the shampoo and conditioner still in it.

He rinses it out careful not to tug to hard.

"I would lose all street cred if niggas seen this"

He chuckles at his statement

"So they would laugh because your washing my hair?"

"Yeah they would think ah nigga was going soft but I would shoot they ass to remind them who I am"

I stay silent not knowing what to say after that statement.

Taking a fresh razor out the pack on the side of the tub. I've never shaved before. I use to watch my mama but I guess I would be self learning today. Putting my leg over the side of the tub. Gently gliding the blade over my leg but still knicking it at the end. King laughs making me mad.

"Give it to me ma"

Rolling my eyes handing the razor over. He soaps my legs up before starting the task at hand. He shaves both legs and under both arms.

"You want me to shave your pussy?"

I can feel my cheeks warm up at the boldness.

Shaking my head no

"I'll do that myself"

He shrugs handing me the razor back

"Let the water out so I can turn the shower on please"

He takes the stopper out turning on the shower when the water is out.

I let him get in the front so I'm not completely embarrassed trying to learn this shaving thing.


He looks back quickly looking at the blood that's falling.

He holds his hand out

"Ughhhh fuck my lifeeee"

Giving him the razor once again. He bends down tapping my thighs. I guess that was his way of telling me to spread my legs. Wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. He lathers her up repeating the same process as he did with my legs and armpits. I watch carefully so I will not have do this again. When he's finished he washes me off then him self.

"You know I can at least wash myself"

"I know but I like it so shut up and let me do it"

I bite my lip from the smart comment that was about to leave my lips. He looks down in to my eyes with a smirk. Grabbing my throat soft but firmly.

"Don't try me Queen, I'm being respectful because we are in your parents home and room. But don't think twice I will bend your Lil ass over and eat that lovely pussy from the back. I'll have everybody in this bitch listening to your moans as my tongue plunges in and out while you cum on my face.

Biting my lip I couldn't even lie that shit turned me on. He reaches down dipping one finger up my slip making me want to moan right then and there. I watch as he brings it back to his lips licking my juices off.

"Try me"

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