🌬️New Nigga

18 2 3

I sit here feeling stupid as they sit here talking. Even if Kings responses are short, I still feel a kind of way for some reason.

Getting up making my way to the couch. I don't even know why my dumb ass sat with them in the first fucking place. Looking out the window at the sun that is beaming down for once. I feel somebody sit next to me but I don't bother looking at who it is.

"I'm Prince"

I ignore the boy that's been staring at me since he got here. It's only been three days but still. Nigga can I have my face back dame.

"You ain't about to talk to me?"

I stay silent thinking it would make him go away.

"How long you been in here?"

Fuck my life

"The head bitch walks like she got a stick up her ass"

I couldn't lie it made me crack a smile. I thought I was the only one that noticed. It was probably from all the dick she gets at night

"Oh shit!"

I look at him as he brings his hand to his mouth with a big koolaid smile on his face making my smile grow bigger.

"I gotta smile out laughing little mama that's what's up. So are you going to tell me your name now?"

I sigh in playfulness while rolling my eyes

"I'm Queen"

"I'll be your prince charming my Queen"

I bust out laughing as he does a bow.

"That was so corny"

"I know I know ah nigga try"

For the rest of the free time me and him talk and laugh like no one else was in the room. I could feel eyes on me but I never bothered to see who it was. It was nice to actually have a full conversation with someone. Noticing we only have 7 minutes left I say my good byes before heading to the vending machine. Grabbing the $20 putting it in the machine then snatching it out so I can get the credit. I laugh too my self.

"Works every time"

"Oh hey Queen"

Looking to my right Rex stands there looking me over

I give him a nod before punching the number in watching one by one as they fall.

Going to the next to get four drinks then to the cigarette one grabbing a box of Newports

"I thought you quit"

I shrug my shoulders before typing in for swisser sweets red pack.

Rex walks closer to me making me tense up. He drops something in my front pocket that's kinda heavy but I don't dare take my eyes off of him. He couldn't be trusted no matter how nice he's being. They are all the same

"I'm not the bad guy Queen even if you think differently"

He walks off with his head down, but I couldn't find it in me to feel bad for him. He has stood and watched them abuse me with no mercy. So fuck him

The staff would be rushing people back in to there rooms in about 3 minutes. So I take my walk to get to the room before they begin the nonsense.

"The Queen the Queen will be free and you all will die peasants"

"Hello Miss Glory"

"Ow my Queen"

I laugh slightly as I watch her bow to me

"Here Miss G hide it where they cant find it hun"

She grabs the chips and candy stuffing it inside the pillow then placing the dirty pillow case back on it and placing the pillow back on the bed.

"My Queen My Queen there all going to die"

"Shhh Miss G, go to sleep. I don't need you getting into any more trouble"

"Only for you"

Queen smiled as she watched her lay down on bed singing to her self.

From the time she met her she had been singing the song she made up. Queen just went along with it to make her happy.

Queen makes it to her room just in time. She hides her food under the bed but thinks twice. She grabs it putting it in the stash box. When she bends over a nice size of weed falls out. She knits her eyebrows in confusion of where it came from. This must be from Rex, it's still fuck that nigga she says in her head. She wraps her hair not wanting it to get wet. Removing her clothes she folds them placing them on the sink. She would have to put them back on. She gets in washing quickly.


She thinks to herself she was happy she put the goods in the floor instead of under the bed. The half hanging curtain gets tossed to the side. Miss Love looks her up and down licking her lips. She knows by now not to cover herself or she will get hit.

"Let's go Queen"

Queen drops her head low before her words come out as a mumble

"Can I put on my clothes?"

Love rolls her eyes grabbing her by her hair and tossing her out the bathroom.

She tosses her clothes on the floor where she lays.

"Aye chill out"

"Nigga shut the fuck up! Pussy ass, this doesn't concern you"

"Fuck you treat them like this fo"

Kings hard stare could kill somebody

"Because I can"

She grabs Queen pulling her up roughly to her feet

"I can do this"

She slaps Queen across her face

"Oh I can do this"

She punches her in the stomach making her double over in pain.

"You two hold him down"

The two men freeze they knew this was wrong but this was there job. They had a family to feed. They grab King by both arms tightly.

"Naw he looks like a fighter two more please"

Two more men come grabbing him around his troso and one that's on stand by

"And since she's your bitch let's make it official. You come hold her down"

The uneasy looking man grabs her from behind. Love grabs a pocket knife cutting Queens flesh on her thigh. King fights even though he can't see what she is doing. Queen tries to get out the man's grip to stop the pain. Queen screamed and cried on deaf ears while the knife went deeper and deeper.

Love stands back looking at artwork. She wipes her bloody hands on her shirt before smiling as if she had won the lottery.

"She's allll yours now sweetheart"

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