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Where to begin, I'm sorry I went ghost for awhile. I've been dealing with allot of things these pass couple of months. My depression has been kicking my ass lately. It's like the more I try the worse shit gets. I've lost 3 people in last few months so I guess that's one thing that has me off balance. Then family issues I've been dealing with. It's just been allot for one person. But I'm back and ready to write about the craziness. I've missed y'all, you all have been a motivation for me. I've missed writing I believe my daughter,writing, music and weed is what gets me through this thing called life. I just want to say thank you if your willing to hold on. I hope everyone is blessed and in good vibes.


No sound will leave my mouth as he roughly grabs me by my arm. I feel as if I'm a child that weighs nothing as I'm pulled out the room

"I hear you've been a naughty girl since I've been gone. We will have change that, now won't we?"

Fear takes my body as we approach a small room. Taking a deep breath, letting my emotions hide, locked away until I feel safe to release them once more .  Nurses walk by whispering, starring as if I was on display at a zoo. Fear written in the depths of there eyes.

He pushes me in to the room fully locking the door behind him.

"Sit, sit sweetheart"

He gestures towards the chair.

Sitting down dreading it as soon as I touch the cold black leather.

"You know the routine, I have things to do before I leave again"

He straps me in tightly, opening my mouth so he can put the sponge in my mouth. My body wants to fight so bad but I just let it go. I knew deep down this would be the last time I would have to go through this. I don't know how but I did.

"Your being such a good girl today"

Having that thought in my mind, was the only thing stopping me from spazzing out. Closing my eyes tightly when I hear the machine start up. Images of King begin playing in my head. Shock wakes my mind up. The pain almost unbearable but I make no sound. He turns it off repeating until i go numb. Darkness is what surrounds me, I couldn't feel anything. I was relieved for this moment

"Come home baby"

A image of my Papa appears in the distance. I cry out wanting to run to him.

"Come home baby"

Biting my lip but I can't feel it. I wanted this so fucking bad. But I knew that this wasn't my end.

"It's not my time Papa"

He smiles gently, disappearing and reappearing in front of me.

"Beautiful baby girl, I love you more than anything and I'm proud"

He kisses my forehead , when I feel his lips I cry out grabbing him in to a hug.

"Shhh everything will be ok"

Our porch appears while a swing appears under us. The summer night breeze passes around us. It was our spot for late summer nights. Memories of when I was s small girl with my Papa telling me stories as we ate some kind of sweet treat. We would talk and laugh for hours before mama made us come to bed.

"I have to go"

"No! I miss you so much please stay please. I have so much to say that I didn't get a chance to."

He pulls my head to his chest playing with my hair.

"Let it all out mama"

"Why did you have to leave me?"

It felt like we talked for hours. He held and rocked me just as if I was still that little girl. I needed this peace even if I didn't realize I needed it. When it was time to say goodbye I didn't put up a fight. I know he is with me where ever I go.

He kisses my forehead wiping my tears away.

"I love you baby always remember that. Don't ever let go you have a beautiful furture coming. I know it doesn't feel like it. It's hard to let go of something you have been so use to. You have to let that night go baby. There was nothing you could have done to change the events. Your a strong intelligent bright young woman. I'll always love you even when you feel nobody does"

"You were my world, you were the only one to understand me, you were the only one that loved me for me"

"Shh shh hush that sadness up. I'm always here you just have to call me. It's time for me to go"

I nodded laying my head back on his chest hearing his heart beat calmed me. Falling asleep as he hummed to me. Grabbing him tighter before whispering I love you one last time.

The doctor looks on nervous as she doesn't move. He feels her neck but no heartbeat. His own heart beat races loudly in his ears

He knew the board was watching this place. If she ended up dead they would be closed down for sure. He didn't know what to do. A nurse walks in but stops when she notices how white sheet the doctor looks. Her eyes travel to Queen

"Get out!"

She stumbles to Queen but before she can touch her Doc pushes her to the floor


A few minutes he checks her neck again. He almost cry's feeling the light heart beat under his finger tips. He calls Rex in. Rex walks in 5 minutes after being called.

He stops walking when he sees Queen not moving.

"What have you done?!?"

"She will be fine, I need you to take her to her room"

Rex hard face turns to the Doc

"Clean up your own fucking mess I'm done"

Before the doctor has a chance to say any Rex storms out the room.

The Doctor puts Queen in a wheelchair pushing her in to the hallway. All eyes move to him as he quickly moves to Queens room. A pissed off King is up waiting by the door. Doc opens the door,quickly pushing Queen inside and locking the door before King could do something.

King looks at Queens soft breaths has her chest rises. He smirks looking at the doctor that's standing at the door.

"Game time"

Hope everybody enjoys there Easter. Thanks for the support yall have brought I luv y'all for it🖤

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