🌬️ Stitches and Bitches

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When I get the room I see no sign of Queen. But I see blood smeared here and there. Then drops of blood is splattered on the wall that leads to the bathroom.


Trying the door but it's locked kicking it in. Queen is submerged in water and her own blood leaking from each of her arms. Thinking it's too much blood just coming from her arms. Jumping in the water I hold her up to my chest. Her heart is beating but slowly.

"Queen wake up baby! Don't do this shit to me"

Getting her out the tub I start pushing on her chest then giving her breath to her mouth. Repeating this until she coughs up the water from her lungs.

"Should have let the bitch die"

Turning towards Jaylee with pure hate in my eyes.

"Get the fuck out! Now bitch"

She smirks rubbing her purple neck

"I'll just tell Love to finish her work"

I wanted to slit her fucking neck but I knew Queen needed me more. She grips my shirt tightly.

"Shhh I got you ma it's iight"

Catching her breath she lifts a weak hand to wipe my face. I didn't even realize I was crying. I don't remember the last time I cried. It had to be since the age of 3.

"It hurts"

She hisses out, I look behind me seeing Jaylee was out of sight

Picking her up and placing her on the bed. Looking under the bed there's a box popping it opened. There medical instruments lining the box.

"Your going to have to stich me up"

He looks uneasy at this point.

"I'll talk you through it"

He looks at me odd I don't know if it's my appearance or simply my careless reaction to having to be stiched.

"Grab the peroxide put some in that bowl. Put the needle and scissors in it for 5 minutes. When you begin your going to have to go deep. Skin is thicker than what most people think. Get the soap wash your hands dry them completely then put the gloves on"

I'm losing to much blood I can feel it. King quickly does what I tell him then running back to me. He catches my eye kissing my forehead.

"What's next ma?"

"Grab the needle driver, tissue forceps, scissors and the needle and thread. Set them all out on the paper towel"

"Fuck! Ok for each stitch tie it off then make another one. Clean my wound out as much as you can. Use the needle driver to pick up the needle. Use the tissue forceps to expose the side of my wound. So you can see how deep it is. Try to line the wound as much as possible. Put the needle in my skin at a 90 degree angle to the right. Make sure it's right above my fat.

I let him catch up before saying anything else. I don't want to overwhelm him.

"Twist your hand clockwise so the needle starts coming up on the other side. You want it to come straight across from the needle hole"

I pause feeling the pain. Breathing on and out to keep my breath steady

"Come on baby girl stay with me. Keep going"

"Ok when the needle comes out on the other side unlock the the needle driver attach it near the top of the needle and pull until you have 1-2 inches of thread left on the right side of the wound. Then release the needle. Use your left hand to hold the left side of the needle and wrap it twice around the tip of the needle holder. Pull the long part of the thread. The part of the thread wrapped around the needle holder is going to slide off. This will create the knot that you need. Make sure you righting things so my tissue is just touching and make sure the knot is lying flat. Repeat until it's closes. When you have it done cut the excess thread. Wrap my wound with the bandage and your finish. You don't have a time limit, it doesn't have to be perfect just make sure it's closed"

I throw my head down clutching the thin sheet. I will not cry out. I know Miss Love is close but I don't know how close.

I zone out once he gets to the middle. I numb myself to the pain. That's what I'm good at, I'm here but not here. Does that make any sense? King gives my thigh a squeeze every so often. I guess to show that he's still with me. This man has made my mind and body so confused in the time of knowing him. He probably finds me needy and disgusting. Jaylee is beautiful, skinny no scars no fucked up mind like me. He would be better off with a girl like her. Listen to me like he's mine and I have choice in the fucking matter. He told me not to fall for him. He told me he plays with peoples feelings. But here I am currently getting my back stitched together but no that's not on my mind. The nigga that has my life and heart in his hands is on my dame mind.

"I'm done"

"Thank you"

My eyes get heavy. I want to fall asleep even knowing that there's a chance I won't wake up. He goes to the bathroom to do something. He raises my head and puts it in his lap. Every few minutes he takes a rag and wipes the sweat from my face. It's helping to keep my temperature down also. My yawns come more frequently and I can barely keep my eyes opened.

"You told me not to fall for you. I know you've falling for Jaylee. I'm sorry I've dragged you in my drama. I'll leave you alone after this"

"I don't want you to ever leave me alone. Your mine and that's the end of it. I don't want no dame Jaylee. I want you"

Hearing her light snores makes me blow my breath.

"And I'll remind you when you wake up since you want to fall asleep on ah nigga."

Sorry for the slow updates imma try to finish another chap so I kan update tomorrow. But thank you for sticking with mi 😘😘😘

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