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Waking up in my groggy state. I can feel water being patient across my forehead. It felt good for once in my life. I open my eyes to the new boy looking concerned. When he noticed my eyes was looking over his features he backs away from me.

I make no move of trying to attempt of getting up. It's no telling how long I've been out. And telling by this head ache I'll end up falling back down.

"Thank you"

He gives me one nod before looking out the window. He was cute as hell to me. But the words wouldn't leave my mouth. They probably would never. His brown milk chocolate skin was clear from any blemishes. His thick hair was in two braids hanging down a little past his collar bone. Tattoos lined his neck that peeked out of his shirt. He stood tall even though he was sitting down.

I was trying my best not to look and just look plain crazy as I low key stare at him. I'm probably looking ruff at this moment.

"Up and out!"

The nurses open each door one by one. Ill give a little credit where it's due. These rooms are way nicer than what we were given. There's even a shower in here. Getting up standing in the middle of the room. New boy stands in front of the door. Grabbing his hand pulling him back just in time. The door swings opened hitting the wall. The nurse comes in laughing.

"I almost got me one"

Feeling him ball his fist up I squeeze it tightly. He looks at me with a hard expression then it softens. Realizing I'm still holding his hand. In shock I drop it letting my arms hang to the side.

"Come on get out! I don't have all dam day Queen"

Rolling my eyes walking to the main room. Sitting on the couch I grab the magazine out my hiding spot. Going over and over my memories. Feeling a presence close to me makes me look up. It's the boy I assume that slapped my ass the night of the fire.

"What's up my name is Cj"

I give him a bored expression before turning back to my book.

"So your just going to act as if I'm not talking to you. Stuck up bitch"

I continue to do what I'm doing. I can tell by his tone he has anger issues. That's probably what landed him in here. Feeling the book snatched out my hand makes me jump up. I can see the new boy stand from the corner of my eye.

"Now what you going to do little bitch? Huh? "

My amusement turns in to anger.  Kicking him in the dick makes him drop to the floor holding himself. Getting on top of him giving him head shots. The sound of his head hitting the ground soothes me. I hear the alarm go off. I have about 20 seconds left. Seeing the blood I lean down to his face.

"Don't fuck with me again. Oh my name is Queen not bitch!"

I'm grabbed by hair thrown off of him. Seeing the book a little ways from him. I try to grab it but it's to late they put the cuffs on me leading me out. Looking back one more time. The new boy grabs the book in his hands. But I don't know if that's good or bad.

They give me my back whipping with no mercy. There's no camera's so my words are careless to there ears. Gripping the rope chains. They were here just for this reason. When you didn't want to fall over you grip them as if your life depended. If you fall they restart the count.

Rex picked my naked body up careful not to touch my bleeding back.

"What did you do?"

"I don't need your pity take me to my room"

He takes me to my room laying me on the bed on my stomach.

"I'm sorry"

I don't say anything knowing he knew the story of what happened. He was standing at the door.But he didn't speak up he let them beat me anyway. He could face prevented all of this. He might not have known what was said or what it was about but he knew I was not the one that started with that boy. I just finished it. When I hear the door close I look around not seeing my room mate anywhere means he still in the common room with everybody else. Dragging myself off the bed in to the shower. Needing to clean my back so it doesn't get infected. But the pain was almost unbearable. Running the warm water to be filled to the rim. Who's ever room this was they left some soaps, bubbles and lotions here. Biting my lip as I put my body inch by inch in. Tasting the blood from lip doesn't make me stop. I didn't want to scream. Dipping in until my head was under the water completely. That's when I release my unheard scream making bubbles appear. Thinking about just killing myself. But there's this small hope that bubbles in the back of my head that says just hold on.

Coming back up to my reality I'm met with hazel eyes looking over me.

He has a towel in hand waiting for me to make the next move

Standing up straight he makes no move to look away. He admires my body from head to toe. The bad thing about it is I let him.

Getting out the tub I walk in to the towel. He helps me dry off making me bite my lip when the towel skims across my back. He turns me around looking over my back.

"Come mere"

The sound of his voice is silky. This is my first time hearing his voice.

"Lay down fa me"

I lay across the bed, he places the towel from my waist down. Looking over my shoulder he's biting his lip looking at it. He shakes his head like he had to come back to reality. He puts a rag in my mouth before applying rubbing alcohol to my back. My screams are filled with pain while tears stream down my face. After cleaning it he puts sab over each cut with great detail. When he's done he helps me in my shirt

"Take this"

Taking the two green little pills that he's giving me with the glass of water. 5 minutes later my eyes get droopy. I fall asleep too him singing a song I've never heard before. Peaceful is what I felt..... I just wish I could keep it

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