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I try my best not to make any kind of noise. I watch my uncle caress my Mama's tear streak cheek as she tries not to make any noise.

"Why couldn't you have the same feelings as me? My brother always gets the best things in life"

He grabs her face with aggression. I can't see his face from here, but I can imagine the demon like features he's wearing proudly.

"Do you know how it feels to always come second? Of course you don't! You will never understand my pain. You played men for years! Your a disgusting bitch, that's what you are. You have these men's babies and leave them to care for themselves. Then come back home like you did nothing"

"Charles we can be together if that's what you want. We can take Queen and all the drug money and leave"

Lighting strikes making the light s flicker

"Your a filthy list!"

There's a light tap outside. It pauses then begins again. My uncle turns around smiling.

"Let me go handle that, I'll be back"

He walks off slamming the door. I come from out of hiding making my mama gasp.

"Baby you need to get out of here."

I didn't notice the blood pouring from her when I was hiding. What bothered me I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Now that I notice her breathing was coming out slow but sharp.

"Mama where is papa?"

She breaks down crying softly

"I need you to run as fast as you can out of here. You don't look back. Do you understand me?"

"I can't leave you mama and I won't. Where is my papa mama"

"He's dead baby, Charles just finished him off"

I remove the blanket that's wrapped around her. For some reason it was really getting on my nerves.

I gasp as I see my once brother laying on my mamas lap. She had a cut across her belly. Her arms and feet were tied tightly. Blood dripped from her wrist.


You could hear my papas truck at a distance. But my papa wouldn't be the one to be driving it. For some reason I wouldn't let myself cry. I stepped closer to mama hugging her. I had a feeling this would be the last time I seen her. I could feel it in my gut it would be.

"I love you Queen always remember that. No matter what you find out about me know that I always love you. Here take this, get the necklace off my neck. You put it on and never take it off"

I nod my head rushing to do what she says. Hearing the squeaky breaks stop outside the house

"When the right time comes to use it you will know when"

I kiss my mama all over her face just to show her how much I love her

"Now go"

This would be the one time I didn't listen to my mama. Running to the kitchen, I grab the biggest knife we have. The power goes out as soon as my hand touches the cold metal.

"Honey I'm homeee"

Creeping in the dark back to the living room. He stands there wet, muddy and blood all over him.

"You know he actually cried before I took his life. Fucking pussy, that's why mami always loved him better"

"Charles I don't have that much longer"

"You'll die when I say you can fucking die"

He grabs her shirt getting in her face. My brother catches his eye

"Why the fuck did you uncover him?"

"The blanket slipped off"

He covers her back up

"Don't do that he will get cold and sick"

"Charles I need help I'm going to die if I don't get help"

"I'll help you Missy, just hold on"

He walks up the stairs, it sounds like he's in the bathroom

My mamas breath is starting to slow down, I knew she didn't have that much longer at this point.

I can hear him walking down the stairs. My heart begins beating like drums that's the only sound I can process, palms sweating. Taking a deep breath in then out. Me and Mama's eyes meet for the last time. She mouths I love you before taking her last breath. It takes everything in me not to scream and break down crying.

He drops to his knees when her head slumps forward.

"No no no. Get up Missy's

He slaps her gently trying to wake her up

I think it's now or never. Coming out my hiding place, knife tightly in my hands.

Lifting it up stabbing him in the arm. I want him to look at me while I take his last breath.


Stabbing him in the chest making him cry out in pain. He holds his wound where the blood is spurting out. Stab after stab until he's fully unrecognizable to the people that will see him.

I curl up at my mamas feet finally letting my tears drop. Her puddle of blood surrounded me but I could care less. It settles in me I just lost my parents. I grabbed the phone calling the police. They didn't come until the next morning. Streets were flooded as I suspected.

Every thing happened so fast. They questioned me and tossed me away like trash. They blamed me saying I was the person that took everybody's life. They said my Uncle was a good man and I was jealous of the new baby coming. Even after they found my Aunt's body in the back of my Uncle's car. It was to late to late they didn't want to hear what I had to say. They shipped me off to a place where people have truly lost there mind. I've seen things on here I will never repeat. I've been through things here that I still see when I finally get to sleep. I wouldn't wish this bull shit on my worst enemy. I just want peace and one day when escape I'll have it

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