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They huddle us all in the hallway. They treat us like we are cattle. They teach us to know that we are under them. So when one of us steps out of line we will be set as an example.

"Head count!"

Miss Loves eyes comes straight to me. As if they would know I was gone before sun rise. That's laughable I know every inch of this hell. When I first was brought here they left me in a office not knowing what to do with me. I was one of youngest ever brought here. After I came they ended up making a wing for my age. Apparently since I wasn't the only "crazy"child out there.

They made do with me, I was basically a ginny pig for them. They made me the way I am. They created this they created me. This was before I was fighting and talking back. King wanted to talk about being fucked naw I'm fucked emotionally, mentally and probably physically. I will most likely be alone for the rest of my life. No body wants to deal with this shit.

"Just one is missing boss"

"Find them, put them in the common room until they are found. Let the others come over to this wing."

She nods going to the next building I'm guessing.

Strom is brewing so it'll be awhile before they are found.

They take us to the room locking us in. Rolling my eyes plopping on the couch.

Mickey comes over nudging my arm. Looking down at her and the make shift doll she has made from a newspaper.

Her mind is like a child. I honestly don't know her story. She can't talk but she always has a smile on her face.

"Not now Mickey"

She continues going to each person until she finds someone who wants to play with her. The doors open to the other wing walking in. A few new faces. But one catches my eye. He looks like King in a way. He goes directly to him giving him a hug. They hold on for a moment before walking over to the chairs sitting down and talking.

I lay down closing my eyes. My back was starting to hurt again and I couldn't just take the sap out in the open of everybody. Looking around Rex is looking at King while Kings eyes are on me. Throwing my middle finger up he smirks while the man beside him laughs.

I get a blanket off the table wrapping up in it laying on the couch falling asleep.

Feeling somebody sit next to me. There hand finds its self going under the cover that I am currently occupying. Grabbing there fingers as it tugs on my waist band. Breaking two of his fingers then rolling over to fall back asleep when I hear his whimpering. He won't tell because he will be the one punished.

Just as my nightmare creeps in to my space of dream land I'm awoken with a shake. Jumping up breathes coming out short. Looking up to King, once he sees me fully awake he goes to sit back down. Carrying on his conversation. The boys stare lingers a tad bit longer before King snaps him back to him.

Rex walks over sitting next to me.

"I handled him for you"

Mentally rolling my eyes at his comment. He did nothing for me the most he could do is lock him back in his room. Even with that he probably gets something out of it.

"So you feeling your roommate more than a roommate"

Tooting my face up

"Nigga is you feeling my roommate more than a fucking roommate? Every time I see you you either staring him down or talking about him like a bitch. Go to that nigga and talk to him about him. I just want everybody to leave me the fuck alone! What that fuck all y'all looking at? Go mind y'all dame business"

I walk to the TV room snatching the remote.


Ralph realizes it's me as pipes down. Turning on the news, I don't see one thing about a missing crazy ass person that escaped.

Getting bored with TV I walk to the vending machine they have here. Grabbing the fake $20 I insert it half way choosing what I want. Putting all the snacks in a paper bag along with some hygiene products and cigs with some things they say magic blunt. I stopped smoking cigarettes along time ago but fuck it I got nothing to lose. They won't give us lighters so I'll have to use a piece of paper and the plug on the wall.

Taking my $20 sticking it back in my bra.


I hear some people gasp as they hear me speak for the first time. Like I said before I don't talk much. Shrugging my shoulders

Mickey crawls to me like a baby. Opening the gummy bears and giving them to her. She hugs my legs before grabbing the bag and crawling to a corner. When I see people begin to surround her and her whimpering.

"Leave her the fuck alone before I cut y'all's eyes the fuck out and make you eat them"

They all back up trying to find something to do with there life's

I hear Kings friend bust out laughing

As soon as I'm about to sit my happy ass back down the bitch had to show her face.

"Everybody back to your rooms a flood is coming"

They line us up, looking at King I read his lips

"We will be out of here soon"

"I said everybody in line now!"

They place us back in our rooms. King sits on the bed putting his face in his hands. I almost ask what's wrong but I catch myself. It's none of my business. And it's not my business to know how he is planning to get out of here either.

Sitting by the window watching the rain fall. It rains almost every day here. I just want to touch it even if it's for a second. I want to smell the fresh air or the air right before the rain starts.

The lights flash off and then on and then completely off. Walking to the bathroom grabbing the green stuff then putting the floor back. Trying to remember how it was done on a movie I watched one time.

"Give it to me before you fuck it up"

Debating in my head if I should or not. He takes it out my hands breaking it down, busting the brown thing all the way down in the middle. He licks it inserting the green inside of it. He rolls it with his lips after looking it over before he hands it back to me.

"Let me hit that we have allot of time with nothing to do and the night is still young"

"That sounds like a double meaning"

"What ever happens happens"

Looking down blushing oh it's going to be long fucking night I hear

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