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King's POV

The only thing that's helping me hold on, was the fact I could see her chest rising. Going on three days she's been in the same state. For three days I've been in the state of revenge. I want to burn this bitch down. Watch this shit crumble as I hear screams. Knowing Queen has got attached to some of these people I will do  it in a different way.

"King you gotta eat mane, you haven't eaten going on three days"

Not bothering to even look up

"I'll eat when she does until then leave me the fuck alone"

My brother knew  not to keep going. Even though my voice was calm and collected, he just knew a calm King was never good.

Motions we're ready but I needed a healthy awake Queen.

I know I'm hard on people but that's just how my mentality is. Fuck it I ain't got time to dwell on the shit. It is what it is


Unknown time passes day turns into night is all King knows. Everybody around has left him alone with his thoughts. Walking to the bathroom grabbing the sack and blunts. Taking some out and rolling a tight one to take some of the tension off him. He gets in the tub letting his long legs flop over the edge.

He's so lost in thought he doesn't hear the door knob being twisted. His arm is thrown across his eyes as he takes another hit of the much needed blunt.

Queen stumbles in closing and locking the door. Her head was pounding and she felt like her body had a extra layer of sweat. Looking in the mirror at her appearance. She felt ugly and weak at the moment. Any barrier that was up was long gone at the moment. Going to the bathtub looking at King that still has not noticed her. Her mind was playing with her at the moment. She knew she knew who he was she just couldn't put her finger on it. Her lungs felt like they were on fire all of a sudden. Her breathes were coming out fast but silent. She couldn't understand what was wrong with her.

"Will you please move I need to get in there"

King jumps up almost falling back in the process.


Her eyebrow scrunch together in confusion at the word baby. She looks behind her making sure an intruder hadn't invaded her personal space.

"I'm talking to you Queen"

He bends down to where the secret stash is hidden. Removing the piece of floor grabbing her book of memories and dreams. He hated given her this knowing she will probably break down in tears. She just stood there looking at him for a moment. Then back to the book this went on for a few minutes, before  grabbing the book. Looking through each page carefully. Page by page her some what memory came back. Then her Papa appeared in her head, the memory of him holding her close. She felt the tears coming but she wouldn't let them fall. 

"I need to take a shower"

"I do to"

Her cheeks run red and hot. He cuffs her warm cheek in the palm of his hand. Memories of him between her legs on that very mirror and sink to be exact. Her cheeks turn even more red at just that thought. King catches her lookimg at the sink . A wide smirk replaces his frown that he's worn since he figured out she was gone.

"Raise your arms"

It was as if her body was under his command. Just by his voice  they went up without her consent. He slowly takes the cotton dress off throwing it to the ground. He turns her around collecting her hair putting it in a ponytail as best as he could. She softly giggles at the uneven style sitting on the top of her head.

"Oh Mami got jokes?" He turns her around to face him

A temporary smile creeps up on his face, Queen stops moving breathless runing her thumb across his soft pink lips.

He wasn't about to try anything with her. He knew her memories might be a little fuzzy still of the two. He didn't want to scare her off so he went with kissing her forehead. Walking to the shower he turns it as hot as it can go until steam flooded the small bathroom.

He helps her in by picking her up and placing her inside the little piece of heaven. He rethinks his decision of getting in with her. But before he could close the thin curtain she grabs his arm with a tight grip.

Meeting eyes causing a shock to course through her body. The gesture made her eyes close on there own and a small smirk to appear.

"Stay with me"


He removes his close pausing at the boxers. She's so busy trying to get the feeling of clean to come to her skin she doesn't realize his battle.

He leaves them on joining her in the shower. Pulling her close to his bare chest. He takes the soap and rag washing every inch of her body. Her head goes back letting his chest catch it. Her eyes closed tightly as if she was trying to remember this forever. He soon realized at that very moment he wanted this shit forever.

He leans down kissing her lips upside down loving the feeling of her soft yet chapped lips. She would never understand how much he missed her. Having something so close as much as a fingertip close but so far away. It was nerve racking to say the least. He knew that would be the last time. He promised it to himself more than he did her. 

"You got a few days to rest up and get you ready"

Her eyes flash open quick

"Ready for what?"

"To get you out of here, but I need you well and rested lul baby"

She smiles softly hoping his words were true. It would be a few more days and she would be free. A few more days she would be able to learn how to live.

Sorry for mistakes... I didn't proof read... And apparently I knt download the app so I'll doing it on there page for the first time. I hope you enjoyed it🖤🖤

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