
23 2 1

Waking up with tears and dreadful screams from my night to night reply.

New boy jumps beside me covering my mouth

"Shhh mama will hear"

His sleepy eyes become wide awake when he lets those words slip pass his lips.

Getting up running to the bathroom to empty out my empty stomach. The pain of my back is the cause. This isn't my first merry go round with this type of pain.

Rex comes in looking concerned. He looks at new boy and his arms that are slightly wrapped around me. He tightens his grip a bit but not painfully. I find myself liking the feeling bringing a touch of a smirk on my lips. Something passes through Rex's eyes but he doesn't speak on it. He throws a small jar on the bed close to my knee then walks out. Grabbing the jar it's medicine to make my back numb and so it doesn't get infected. The only patients that get this are the ones that showed"improvement".

"Will you put this on my back...

"King and yeah"

He does the same as he did before cleaning it then applying the cream. Instantly I can feel the pain melt away. Almost sighing as I lay there in a comfortable silence. Feeling my eyes get heavy again I don't fight it I fall back asleep without the pain this time.

When I wake up this time we are being rushed out so they can check the rooms. I have the cream tucked in my bra so they won't find it.

"King and Queen kitchen duty"

Miss Love laughs to herself

"Looks like your kingdoms have fell on hard times"

I don't speak I just make it to the kitchen. Hearing footsteps behind me so I know King is following.

Pulling out the whole chickens and vegetables. After I wash them I season the chickens. There's 30 all together but I take out 5 more so I can make sure everybody gets food today. If I get caught I'll take my punishment later.

"What you want me to do ma? I can't cook good but I ain't trying to have you do it all by yourself"

"Ok that's fine you can start peeling potatoes so I can get started on the mash potatoes when your done"

He nods grabbing the knife and begins

When I've put all the chicken and vegetables with stock in the ovens. I begin boiling water for the potatoes. He's having a hard time. Taking his hands in mine I glide the knife down the potatoe. He freezes for a moment but relaxes. When I feel he's got it I let go starting on mine. When they are finished and boiling I move on to dessert and corn bread. Each plate must have a meat vegetable and bread. Milk is served on the side with a bottle of water. The only time we get fed like this is when I do it. Any other time it will be a mixed slaw. Shit is fucking nasty so I usually go with out eating until it's my week to cook.

"No dessert Queen"

I bite my lip almost to where it bleeds. No comments Queen heal first.

She walks out smirking

So I end up mixing fruit making a fruit cocktail. But dessert but still something sweet.

Fixing each tray King comes beside me helping. His hand accidentally brushes against mine. It lingers there for a moment before he moves it.

He picks the trays up about to walk out but he stops in the door way.

"Don't fall for me Queen"

I stand there a minute thinking this is why the way I am to people. Picking up the trays going to the tables putting one to each person. I don't speak another word for the rest of the night. I eat by my self. When it's time to clean up I continue not to speak. When we get back to the room I wash and go straight to sleep.

My nightmares creep just like every night. But I wake up in his arms. Snatching my body from him I go take another shower. I won't fall for him fucking cocky ass. I have no feelings for anybody or anything. I should had never opened my mouth at all to him. I should had never let him take care of me. I should have gotten a infection and fucking died.

My head begins to ache. Dropping to the floor until it passes. I sit there on the tile floor. Pushing against the floor to stand up. One of the tiles are loose. Bending down to mess with it. It opens to a box. The box contains cigarettes and some green stuff that looks like seasoning but in clumps. The smell is heavily. There's a wad of cash with a rubber band wrapped around it nearly. Some pills that looks like they give us to knock is out. Hearing the knock on the door makes me jump. The things go flying in the small bathroom. Before I can pick it up the door opens to King. He grabs the things looking them over.

"This you?"

I don't say anything I just grab the things out his hand putting it back on the box and placing it back in the floor. Putting the tile back I walk out but he grabs my arm. He looks at it then his hand and let's go letting my arm drop to my side. Laying in the bed trying to go back to sleep but with no luck.

"I didn't mean we couldn't talk"

Rolling my eyes and turning over.

"I'm just not a prince charming type nigga. I got unbelievable issues"

Turning around so fast

"Nigga who the fuck said I want a fucking prince charming? Huh? That's what's wrong with everybody! Everybody thinks they know what's best for me. Maybe I want a crazy ass nigga. Maybe I like that shit!"

He grabs me by my throat making my pussy juice up. I can almost see a smirk on his juicy lips.

He leans in almost touching my lips

"I'll fuck up ya life ma"

The alarms blast through my ear drums. We pull apart right as the door opens.

"Everybody out! Two people have escaped. Everybody to the front NOW!"

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