Chapter One

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A/N: Ok this is the first chapter, I hope you guys like it!! :)

Oh and there's a picture of Audrey on the side ---->>> and it's Danielle Campbell cause she's beauitful, ok? Ok. Haha enjoy :)

**Louis’s POV**

I smile as I look at the picture of the two little kids swinging on a swing together at the park on my dresser. They both smile big and are holding each other’s hands. They would do anything for each other, and they promised to stay best friends for the rest of their lives, and to never fall in love with each other. I know all this, because that’s me and my best friend, Audrey.

I’ve known Audrey since we were born, her parents and mine were also best friends and she used to live next door to me. We did everything together, everything. She was waiting backstage for me with my family when I auditioned for the X-Factor. When I started living with the boys while we were on the show, we rarely communicated with each other, but she still came to every show and watched me in the audience.

When we were eliminated and Simon signed us to his label, things started to pick up. We had an album come out and then we started to go on tour, and I had to leave Audrey behind, while I chased my dream. The day I was leaving for tour, I went over to her house to say goodbye. I didn’t have much time, so I just simply told her that she was the best friend that I’ve ever had and that I love her. I also promised to keep in touch with her, which I never did. I also promised her that I’d see her soon, but I haven’t seen her since.

I do miss her though, a lot. I’ve told all the guys about her as well, even though they’ve all met her before. Sometimes, late at night, when I can’t sleep, I think of her. I think of her and me, and all the fun things we did together, and how much I miss them dearly. I’m always curious if she ever came to one of our concerts while we were on tour, but I think that if she did, I would’ve seen her somehow. I wonder if she ever thinks about me, if she ever misses me, the way I miss her. She probably doesn’t, she has always been very popular in school, especially with the boys. Not to mention she’s super smart and is probably at some great college now and has a great a job. I like to think she thinks of me, sometimes at least. I wonder when the day will come, that I will finally see Audrey again.










Later that night








I lay down on my bed, still thinking about Audrey. Where is she now? What is she doing at this exact moment? Is she thinking of me? I haven’t seen her in ages, I wonder how much she’s changed.

There’s a quick knock on my door before it’s thrown open by my frantic mother. She clutches her mobile phone in one hand, the other holds a few used tissues. Her eyes are filled with worry, and her cheeks are stained with tears. I sit up on my bed worried and watch her and she comes over to me.

“What is it mum? Are you okay?” I ask her.

She shakes her head before answering. “No. Louis, we need to go now, get in the car.” She says turning to leave my room.

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