Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: **PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS** okay so honesty I have no idea where I'm going with this story, I've kinda just been making it up as I go along for the past six or so chapters. When I first started the story, I had a plan, but then as I continued writing, I didn't want it to happen that way. Originally Audrey was never gonna die and her and Louis were just gonna be all happy and what not. But then I felt my story got really boring and I needed to add some drama, so I killed her :D so nice right? Lol but guys, don't wooorrrryyyy. I actually do know how it's all gonna end, I just need help figuring out what I'm gonna write about until I'm ready to end this story. But I've thinking and everything, and I think there's only gonna be another 4 or 5 chapters to the story, plus an Epilogue. So around Chapter Thirty or so, I'm gonna end the story. Cause I'm just out of ideas. But if you guys would like to give me some ideas of your own and how you would like the story to end, then please comment and let me know. You guys still aren't commenting!! Please comment! please! I want to know what you think! :/ anyway, the Harry pic on the side>>>>>  

like seriously he needs to stop. I mean just look at him! Like, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT?!? anywho, here's the next chapter. Sorry if its boring, I'm trying. Please comment guys, please! I'm serious. Please comment, give me feedback on what you think about the story, do you like it, do you hate it? Give me your ideas and thoughts on what should happen next cause I'm all out of them. If you comment I swear I will love you forever, and I'll read and promote your story, and you'll get a chapter dedicated to you. Just please comment, please. Thanks for all the reads guys! Really. Okay next upload will be if someone comments, or when I get 1,400 which is less than fifty away, so yeah. :)


**Louis' POV**

"Louis, the officer wants to know if you would like to talk to Charlie one last time?" Carey says to me quietly when the trial is over.

The trail was today, Charlie was found guilty, thankfully and is sentenced to ten years in jail. Personally, I think he should've gotten more, but ten years will just have to do for now. His friends all got seven years, since they were accomplices and didn't turn Charlie in when they should've.

I had to see him in person today, the guy who killed my best friend. We caught each others eyes in the beginning. His eyes were soft and sad, it was almost as if he was trying to apologize for what he did, like he was asking for me to forgive him. As if that would ever happen. I will never ever forgive him for what he did, like ever. (A/N: hehehe Taylor Swift song reference right there, sorry, I had to)

I just sent him back glares, letting him know that he's not forgiven and that I absolutely hate him with everything that I have. I hate him as much as one person can hate someone.

I really would like to talk to Charlie, let him know what I think of him. Tell him what he put me and everyone else through, try to even begin to describe how I've been feeling the past few weeks, not that he'd ever understand anyway, no one will ever understand what I'm feeling. And that's awful because I feel so alone all the time. I have no one to talk to, no one who knows exactly what I'm going through. And knowing that, is so lonely.

But I won't say anything to Charlie, I know that if I did, I wouldn't say such nice things and I might regret them later on. Plus I don't want to see him ever again, or talk to him unless its absolutely necessary, which it's not.

"Actually, you can tell them that I'm good, I don't want to speak to him, but thanks anyway." I say emotionless. I swear, I've had no emotions lately, the only emotion I've been feeling is sadness. That's it. And maybe a bit of depression, or a lot. But that was when I first found out about it. Now, I guess I'm just numb to the never ending pain that I always have, and I'm at the point where I'm just so beyond sad and depressed, that there's not even an emotion for how I'm feeling anymore. I'm just lifeless and emotionless.

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