Chapter Six

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A/N: So here's the next part :)

I wake up on the couch. I don’t even remember falling asleep here, of course I barely remember anything anymore, but I really don’t remember falling asleep here. I look around, the house is silent.

“Mum? Dad?” I ask looking around. My mum enters the room and sits down on the edge of the couch smiling at me.

“Morning love, sleep well?” she asks.

I nod.

“Well, I really haven’t seen you since the hospital! Louis has been keeping you all to himself,” she laughs. I smile. She stokes my hair.

“How are you feeling?” she asks concerned.

“Good, normal.” I reply.

“Good,” she says. “How’s the memory coming?”

“It’s coming. I’m slowly starting to remember things here and there. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while,” I say referring to me also being with Louis.

“Oh, love, don’t worry. It’s completely fine. He’s your best friend, we’ll still be here when you’re done hanging out with each other. I think it’s important for you to… rebuild your friendship with Louis, I think it’ll be good for you. It seems like he’s been helping you with your memory a little, not to mention it sounds like you two are having a lot of fun together. Going to the beach, and hanging out.” She smiles

I smile remembering yesterday. “Yeah, it’s been loads of fun. I can see why he was my best friend,”

Is. You can see why he is your best friend. Nothing’s changed between you two love, you just had a unfortunate accident ‘is all. We’re still the same people we were before, and I know you’re still the same Audrey you were before too. You just need help remembering her.” She smiles again.

“Yeah, I suppose.” I say. “Where’s dad?”

“Oh, he had to work today, but don’t worry he’ll be back soon. Do you and Louis have anything fun planned today?” my mum asks.

“No, not really. He just said he’d come over so we can hang out, watch TV, that kind of stuff.” I answer.

“Sounds like fun,” she smiles. “Well Audrey, I know you may not want to, but I think you should really talk to Charlie. You haven’t since before the accident.”

She’s right. I haven’t talked to Charlie, my supposed boyfriend since before the accident. I haven’t even seen him. Louis told me he was fine, he just broke a few bones and had a few cuts and bruises, nothing too serious. Lucky him, I think. I’m glad he’s not badly hurt or anything like that, while I’m sitting over here, trying my hardest to remember things that I should. Even though he was the one who was drunk driving, it was all his fault, not mine. But yet he’s fine, good for him. I roll my eyes.

“Do I have to?” I ask not wanting to talk to him at all. I’m mad at him, he knew he was drunk, yet he still drove me.

“Love, I think you two should talk, work things out.” She says.

“Fine,” I say.

“Thank you,” she kisses my forehead. “Now I have to go to work myself, so have fun with Louis, tell him I said ‘Hi’ please.” She says before grabbing her purse and coat, then leaving the room.

I check my phone, which is charging on the table, and read my missed messages.

2 missed texts from Louis

4 missed texts from Alex

2 missed calls from Alex

The texts from Louis are just him saying Hey :) x and I’ll be over at 1, see you then, x.

The missed texts messages from Alex said, Hey! Haven’t talked to you in forever… Call me or text me when you get this, we need to get together! I called you twice, why aren’t you picking up?

Alex. Alex… the name rings a tiny bell. Alex. I close my eyes trying to remember where I know it from. That’s it! Alex was, is I guess, my best friend that I’ve known since Year Six. Apparently, I haven’t talked to her in “forever” but why? And does she not know what happened to me? Did she not know I was in an accident and lost my memory? She must not have, or she would’ve asked how I was. Well she should’ve asked how I was, if I was her best friend. Louis asked that twenty times a day, every day.

I don’t reply to any of the messages from Louis or Alex, I don’t want to talk to anyone right now. I look at the clock, it’s 12:36 in the afternoon. Louis’ going to be here soon.

I take a quick shower, blow dry my hair, and get dressed. I finish just in time, there’s a knock at the door. I answer it and see Louis’ smiling face.

“Hey,” I greet, opening the door for him to come in.

“Hey,” he replies, coming in, giving me a quick hug.

I shut the door behind me and turn to face Louis, who was already sitting on the couch. I take a seat next to him. We sit in silence awkwardly, staring at the TV that wasn’t even turned on. I look at our reflection in it, we sit close, next to each other. Our hands brushing each other’s. We kinda look cute together, actually. But he’s my best friend, he’d never go for me. Even if, he had a crush on me when we were younger, he’s over it, he’s said so himself. Not to mention, that was ages ago, things have changed, he’s changed, I’ve changed. But I can’t help but wonder what we’d be like together, whether we’d work out or not. I guess I’ll never know…

Louis slaps his thighs, breaking the silence. “So, what do you want to do?”

“I’m not sure. Do you have any ideas?” I ask. He shakes his head.

“We could watch TV,” I suggest.

"I could do that at home by myself, I want to do something fun.” He says.

“We could play some games,” I say.

“No,” he shakes his head again. “You’re awful at every game in the universe, you always were,” he smiles. I playfully hit on the shoulder.

“Well, I also used to hate scary movies, but I watched one and I liked it. I’ve changed Louis, I’m not the same Audrey anymore,” I say smiling. Louis doesn’t smile, he just looks at me sadly, and gives me a weak smile. He sighs a bit.

“No, you’re right, you’re not. You’re… different. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but I admit I do miss the old Audrey.” He says sadly. “But don’t get me wrong, the new Audrey is great too.” He says trying to be a bit more happy, but he’s not doing so good.

“I know, I’m sorry-” I begin, but Louis cuts me off.

“Stop apologizing for everything you do.” He slightly chuckles. “It’s fine, really. You can’t help it, none of it is your fault, it’s Charlie’s.” he says.

Charlie. I have to see him today. I don’t even know where he lives, he’ll have to come over here. Louis will have to leave, or maybe he can just go wait in another room, and wait until he leaves. I’ll figure it out.

“Speaking of Charlie, my mum wants me to talk to him today, I don’t know why. So I’m gonna tell him to come over here,” I saying pulling out my phone and getting up. “I’m going to be right back,” I say leaving the room.

**Louis’ POV**

I watch as Audrey leaves the room. I sigh in relief. I get so nervous around her, I don’t know why either, I just do. I think I’m starting to have feelings for her again, out of nowhere. And it’s not even the same Audrey, it’s a different Audrey, but maybe that’s why I’m starting to have feelings for her again.

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