Chapter Seven

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A/N: Okay, so I know this is really short and like the most boring story ever, and I'm sorry, but the boys WILL be in the next chapter, I pinky promise :)

The gif of Louis on the side ------> I cant even.....

I walk out of the kitchen, I texted Charlie for him to come here as soon as he can, I want to get this over with. He texts me back saying he’ll be over in a few minutes.

“He’ll be over in a few,” I say sitting next to him. He nods. We sit in silence again, until there’s a knock at the door. I stand up and walk over to the door.

“Charlie’s here. You might want to go in another room or something till he leaves,” I tell Louis who was still sitting on the couch.

“Okay, I’ll wait in your room then,” he said getting up and heading down the hall to my room.

I take a deep breath before opening the door, revealing a boy standing there looking at me. I don’t remember Charlie, what he looks like, what he was like, how he acted, I don’t remember anything about him. He is tall, with brown hair, and brown eyes. He smiles at me before entering my flat.

**Louis’ POV**

I hear Audrey open the door. I sneak out of her room, and peer over the wall and into the living room, so I can see them, but they don’t see me.

“Hello,” Audrey says shutting the door. He wraps her in a tight hug instantly.

“Babe, I missed you so much! How’ve you been?” He asks excitedly. I have no idea what this guy is like, but I already don’t like him for what he did to her.

“Uh…good, yourself?” asks Audrey pulling herself out of his tight grip.

“Yeah know, I’ve been getting around. You have no idea how much I missed you. That hospital room was so lonely without you,” he says. I roll my eyes, what a load of rubbish.

He stares at Audrey, and she watches him for a little while. Then out of nowhere, Charlie grabs her face and brings it to his, crashing his lips onto hers. I look away, I can help but feel very jealous at this moment right now. He gets to know what her soft, pink lips feel like, I wonder what they actually feel like.

I look back to them, still kissing but Audrey pushes him away.

“What are you doing?” she asks moving away from him.

“What do you mean?” he asks turning to her.

“You’re acting like everything is okay, and… it’s not.” She says sighing.

“What do you mean?” he repeats.

“What do you mean, what do I mean? Did you forget about what happened? Did you forget about what you did to me?” she asks.

“No, what did I do?” he asks completely clueless. This guy is so dumb.

“You crashed your car, with me in it! You made me forget everything, in my life. The only thing I can remember is waking up in the hospital bed, surrounded by cpmplete strangers, up until now.” She says.

My heart breaks when she says “complete strangers” she thinks I’m a complete stranger, her family. I know she’s grown to know us now, but still.

“Babe, it was an accident, I never meant to hurt you, you have to know that. Look I love you, there I said it. And I mean it too, I love you Audrey.” He says, but it’s so obvious that he doesn’t, that he’s just saying that.

“Well I don’t love you, sorry but I don’t. I don’t really even remember you… I’m sorry Charlie, really I am, it’s just-” Audrey begins, but Charlie cuts her off.

“Shut up, whatever. I never liked you anyway.” He says pushing her aside.

“Wait, you just said you loved me…” Audrey says confused, I am too.

He rolls his eyes. “You idiot, I only said that so you would go back out with me. I don’t really like you, I never did. It was all some bet, but I realized the bet has gone on long enough, and I want out of it. I’m not going to waste my time, trying to show you the relationship we had, when I don’t even want to be in one with you.”

“I still don’t understand…” says Audrey, but I did. What a jerk.

“It was all a bet! My friends bet me that I couldn’t make you fall in love with me, but I don’t even care anymore, really. I’m out of here, see you.” He says pushing her hard, she falls on the couch suddenly.

I want to go out and punch him for doing that, but it’s best not to get involved right now, I’ll just wait and see if it gets worse.

He walks over to the door and opens it, and just before he shuts it behind him, he calls back, “Oh, and I’m glad you lost your memory by the way, you deserved it, sorry but I’m not sorry.” Then he shuts the door. Audrey sits up and stares at the door, utterly confused at what just happened. I slowly walk out and make my way to her. I put a comforting arm around her and look at her.

“You okay?” I ask sympathetic.

“I guess, but what just happened?” she asks looking up at me with those big brown eyes. I could honestly just stare at them all day.

“Charlie is a jerk, and he was just using you, it was a bet. He never loved you, it was all fake.” I say, trying to break it to her gently, although I didn’t do such a good job of it, I’m sure.

“Oh, well okay.” She says like she doesn’t care at all.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask confused, why isn’t she upset?

“Look, I don’t remember anything we did together, or any of our relationship, it’s like it never happened, so I don’t really care. You can't miss something if you can’t remember it at all.” She says.

“I suppose you’re right," I say.

"Thanks for being here anyway Lou, so what do you want to do now?” she asks.

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