Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Okay, so I know this is short, and sorry. So there's a song on the side, it's called Nevermind by Taylor Swift. And I don't care if you don't like her or not, but you kinda need to play it. Cause I put like all the lyrics in the story, and it'd be cool if you could play the song, so it'd go together and all. And really listen to the lyrics in the story :)


**Audrey’s POV**

The next day, it’s quiet around the house. Everyone is doing their own thing, I still haven’t talked to Louis at all. I needed to talk to Harry though, I needed to tell him things weren’t working out between us, and that we should stay friends.

I look around for him, and find him in the kitchen.

“Harry…” I say walking in. He turns to me.

“Hey babe, how are you?”

“Fine, look Harry I want to talk to you about something…”

“Before you do, I was thinking how about a second date tonight?”

“Actually that’s what I wanted to talk you about…” I say nervously.

“What’s wrong?” he asks looking into my eyes.

“Listen Harry, I really like you, but honestly, I think it’d be best if we stayed friends. I know we’ve kissed and went on a date and everything. But can we pretend that never happened, and go back to being friends?” I ask nervous to hear his answer. Harry actually just smiles at me.

“Sure, love. I get it if it’s weird for you, it is for me too.” I was surprised he was being so cool about this.

“You’re sure?” I ask. He nods.

“Course. We’ll go back to being friends.” Then he smiles.

“Wow, thanks Harry. It means a lot.” I say hugging him.

“Sure,” he says. “Now go find Louis and tell him how you feel,” I freeze, how does he know I like Louis?

“Wait, how do you know?” I ask, still hugging him.

He slightly chuckles. “I’ve always known. I’m not stupid. But hey, I know he likes you too.” I can hear him smiling.

“Really?” I ask a little too excitedly, which makes him chuckle again.

“Yeah, now go get him,” he says finally ending our hug. My face drops.

“I can’t, we are kinda in a big fight, and haven’t talked to each other all day.” I say.

“So? Go talk to him now,”

“No, I can’t do that. If he wants to talk to me, he’ll come and talk to me.” I say.

“Well, maybe now would be a good time to think about it all, him, you, your feelings, everything.” And with that he walks out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I take a seat on a nearby stool and think about it. I think I actually love Louis, I really do. I don’t know if I loved him before the accident, but I love him now and that’s all that matters.







Louis had been gone for about two days now, he didn’t call or anything, where was he? I was starting to get worried, but the boys told me not to and that Louis was fine. It took a lot of convincing me to believe that they were right, I have no choice but to hope they are. I walk into the kitchen again to have a glass of apple juice, then out of nowhere the front door opens.

I look at it, and see Louis strode in the room. He glances at me before walking over to the fruit bowl and grabbing an apple. Then he leans against the counter, eating it, and watching me in silence. I watch him back. I notice that his eyes suddenly change color, and turn green.  He shifts his position a bit, then I notice his eyes go back to blue. I think it depends on how the lighting is, that’s what makes his eye color change.

We just stare at each other, I wonder what’s going through his mind right now.

The silence is getting too awkward for my liking, so I finally speak up. “Where were you this whole time?”

“Out,” he replies. I roll my eyes.

“Well, obviously. Where were you though?” I ask curious.

“I just stayed at my old friend’s house for the night, no big deal.” He says shrugging.

“Why did you stay there?” I ask.

“Cause I wanted to.” He says getting bored with my questions.

“Why did you leave?” I ask him another question which annoys him even more.

“Why do you care?” he snaps.

(A/N: Start playing song on the side -------->)

I stare at him. “Sorry, I was just wondering.” He sighs then runs his hand through his hair.

“I’m sorry I’m so grumpy, it’s been a rough night.” He says looking down.

I look at him, and he looks at me. I really like him, Harry told me he feels the same way. So if he does, why can’t he see everything we could be?

“What happened?” I ask. He doesn’t answer. Another awkward silence takes place as we continue to say nothing.

“Louis,” I say. He continues to stare at me. Why can he see? I can hardly say a thing right now, I feel my head spinning. Then it hits me, I love him.

“I uh, lately, I’ve been…” I stammer off. God, every time he looks at me, I could just go crazy, but I don’t. I can’t.

It shouldn’t be this complicated really, it should be simple, but it’s not. I want to tell him I love him. I want to tell him that I want to be with him. That he’s on my mind all the time, every day, and there’s nothing I can do to make him go away.

I don’t want to say anything to him though, because I’m afraid he really won’t feel the same way, and then I’ll lose him and our friendship. I want to be with him, I’m tired of fighting, I don’t want to fight with him anymore. But I need him, I want to tell him that too, I don’t want him to go away. I should just tell him, I just really should. I’ll tell him…

“What?” He asks softly, still waiting for me to continue. I can’t do this, I just can’t. I’m too scared, I can’t do it.

“Uh…never mind.” I say, before quickly existing the kitchen and rushing to my room, leaving Louis very confused at what just happened.







I can’t believe I did that to him. I should’ve said it right then and there, I should’ve told him I loved him. Maybe he would’ve said it back, and maybe now I’d be with him watching a movie with him instead of sitting here all alone, and keep replaying my mistake over and over again in my head.

“Uh… never mind.” I say, God, I’m so stupid, I really am.

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