Chapter Four

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A/N: Ok so I know this is short, but yeah... haha.

Oh and I love the pic of Lou on the side, I dont know why, but I laugh every time I see it, and he's just cute in this pic lol enough said...

**Louis's POV**

I drive Audrey to her flat. She's hesitant to go inside, but she does. She looks around, very observantly, taking it all in. I have to show her around.

"This is the living room... this is the kitchen... the bathroom... this is your parents' bedroom...the guest bedroom... and your bedroom." I say as I finish my short tour of the flat. We stand in her bedroom for a few moments as she looks around at the plain, purple walls. Her room is occupied by a small bed, a dresser, two tables, a desk, a few chairs, a closet, and a door that leads to the bathroom.

"So now what?" she asks, sounding bored already.

"We could... watch a movie or something." I suggest.

"Okay," she agrees. "Where are the movies?"

"Out in the living room on the shelf by the TV." I say. She nods and walks out the room, I follow her.

She goes over to the shelf that holds dozens and dozens of movies. She skims them all before picking one.

"What did you pick?" I ask sitting on the couch.

She grins evilly. "You'll see," she opens the case and puts in the disc, then takes a seat next to me. She keeps her distance from me on the couch, but she's still rather close to me. I stare at her, wondering what movie she chose. She feels my glance and looks at me from the corner of her eye, looking uncomfortable with my stare. I turn my head to the TV as the movie starts to play.

I see that Audrey smiles as the movie title comes up on the screen, it's Paranormal Activity.

"Uh, Paranormal Activity? Are you sure you're okay with this? Do you even know what this is about?" I ask unsure, I remember when we were kids, Audrey never liked scary movies. Whenever she'd watch them, she'd have nightmares for a week.

"Yeah. Since I don't remember seeing this, I want to watch it," she says.

"You do realize it's a scary movie right?" I ask.

She looks over at me with a 'do you really think I'm that stupid?' look on her face.

"Of course, I know it's scary. I got that much from its name. I may have lost my memory, but I'm not an idiot. I know it's a scary movie." She says.

"Okay, just making sure. If you get scarred, you can cuddle with me." I give her a dazzling smile.

She looks at me, uncomfortable again. "Uh, no I'm good thanks. I'll be fine." She says.

"Well okay. I was just saying, because when we were little kids, you always got scared of scary movies and would have nightmares for a while." I remind her.

"Well I'm not a little kid anymore," she snaps back at me.

"Okay. I'm sorry. Look I know you've been through a lot lately, but that doesn't mean you have to be so mean to me. All I'm doing is trying to help you get your memory back." I say coldly then turn back to the movie that has already started.

Audrey sighs. "I'm sorry, Louis." She apologizes. I look back over to her, she stares at the couch. "It's just that... it's really hard. I have everyone telling me what I was like, and what I loved and what I didn't, and who I hung out with, and what I did... I just don't know what to believe. I just wish I could remember everything. It'd be easier, I wouldn't have to guess whether what everyone is saying is real or not." She says.

"Hey, look. I would never tell you anything that wasn't real. I want to help you get your memory back as quick as possible, everyone does. All we are doing is just trying to remind you and help you, everything we are telling you is real, I promise." I say smiling. She gives me a weak smile.

We watch the movie. During it, Audrey jumps a few times but she doesn't cuddle with me. When the movie is over, it's late at night. Audrey yawns and gets up from the couch, stretching.

"Why aren't my parents home yet?" she asks. I look at the watch, it's 10:30 at night, where were they?

"I don't know, maybe they wanted to catch a movie or something, or stay at a friend's house. I'm sure they're fine love." I assure her.

"Well I'm going to go to bed, goodnight Louis." She says.

"Goodnight Audrey," I hug her tightly. It really was great to have her back, and out of that hospital. "I have something fun planned for tomorrow," I say to her.

"Well I can't wait to find out what is it," she says walking to her room.

I watch as she shuts the door behind her, I decide to fall asleep on the couch. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Please Don't Forget Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora