Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: So yep. PLOST TWIST: SHE'S ALIVE! Yep that was my plan all along, hahahaha But oh my god your reactions though >>>>>

I seriously love WorldWideDreamer. You all need to check out her account. She's so nice and amazing and I just love her. Please go fan her and read her stories. Okay so probably only one more chapter after this and the epilogue :)


**Audrey's POV**

"Audrey," Louis says breathlessly as he looks up at me, he seems frozen. I look at him weird.

"Louis are you alright?" I ask. He doesn't say anything he just stares at me. What's going on?

"Audrey," he repeats sitting up and wrapping me into a bone crushing hug. Then I hear him crying. I pull away from the hug and look at him really worried.

"Louis! What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I ask looking into his eyes.

"I-I had this awful dream, no it was a nightmare. I had this awful awful awful nightmare." He cries hugging me.

"Well what happened? What was it about?" I ask hugging him back.

"You d-died." He sobs into my shirt.

"I died?" I ask.

"Yeah, it was awful. Charlie wanted you back and then he killed you and he went to jail and we had your funeral, and I wouldn't stop crying for days and days. I was so upset and depressed. It all felt so real!" He cries.

My heart breaks at how sad he is by all of this. He's getting so worked up all over a dream, he's actually crying because he thought I was dead. Tears start to fill my eyes and I rub his back trying to calm him.

"Louis, it's alright. It was all just a just a dream, I'm here." I chuckle hugging him. He shakes his head.

"No, I thought I lost you, forever." He says.

I pull away and smile at him. "Well you didn't, I'm right here and I'm not leaving anytime soon."

"Good," he says before he leans down and kisses me. He kisses me like he hasn't seen me in years, but yet again he thought I was dead. I smile into the kiss before pulling away. He smiles at me.

"I'm glad you're not dead," he says with a faint smile. I laugh loud. "Me too." I kiss his lips again.

"Come on, we're gonna go Christmas shopping, it's only a few more days away!" I smile getting up and pulling him out of bed.

"Okay," he smiles.










We spend the entire day shopping and buying everyone gifts.

"Niall's gonna love the new guitar we got him." I smile at Louis as we walk out of the mall.

"Yeah he is, he's been asking for a new one for a while now." Louis smiles as his slips his hand into mine. He stares at me smiling.

"What?" I ask smirking.

"I just really love you Audrey." He says looking deep into my eyes.

I smile, "I really love you Louis "

"You're so pretty," he says.

I chuckle. "Thanks, you're pretty cute yourself."

We both smile.

"I really missed you Audrey." He says seriously. I smile.

"Lou, I never left. It was all just a dream." I say.

"No I don't just mean in the dream. I mean when the accident happened. You seem like the old Audrey again, the Audrey that's my best friend. The Audrey that I love. And after the accident happened, I didn't think that old Audrey would ever come back, but she did. And I really missed her." I feel my cheeks redden. I kiss his cheek.

"You're too sweet Lou, I'm so lucky to have you," I smile.

"Same," he says simply smiling. We walk out of the mall hand-in-hand.


**Louis' POV**

The next few days I spend with Audrey, just me and her, the boys come over a lot, but I like it when it's just the two of us. We decorate the house in Christmas decorations, out up lights and the tree. Then we sit on the couch and watch movies together and I just try to appreciate everything that I have, every moment I spend with her. I try to make every second count, and treat it like its the last. Because if that dream taught me anything, it's to appreciate what I have while it's here instead of when it's gone. Because what's the point then? There is none really.

"Louis, can you come help me wrap this gift?" Audrey's voice calls out to me. I walk out into the living room and see her sitting on the floors surrounded by tape, wrapping paper, bows, boxes, and unwrapped gifts. But in the corner is are little, neat, perfectly stacked wrapped presents, with bows on top to complete the look. She smiles at me when she sees me.

"Sure love," I say walking over to her and helping her wrap Niall's guitar. I look at it once we're done. I laugh.

"What?" Asks Audrey laughing herself, I'm pretty sure she's laughing at the same thing I am.

"It's a but too obvious at what it is, don't you think?" I say looking at the wrapped guitar. You can tell its a guitar, it's just too obvious.

"He had to know we were getting him one anyway," she shrugs.

I smile at her and she stands to next to me. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close. She turns and smiles at me. I look up and realize we are under a mistletoe. She looks up at it then back at me and we both smile, as I start to lean in and kiss her. (A/N: yeah I know. You're probably like "wowza. That was reeeaaaalllllyyyy cliche of you to do. That was so cheesy wow." I'LL WRITE WHAT I WANT CAUSE IT'S MY STORY, DON'T JUDGE ME, YOU DON'T KNOW MY STORY. Okay thanks for reading bye!!)

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