Chapter Ten

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A/N: Sorry, it's been a while, but I've been busy doing nothing, so you know how busy a person can get when they are doing nothing. Anyways, enjoy the chapter. Oh and sorry the story is kinda stupid at this point... I dont know what to write about anymore, i have writer's block. :/ If you have an instagram then please go follow 1d_btr_love and read her fanfic :)


**Audrey’s POV**

I get ready for my date with Harry, I’m really excited. I really like him, I really like Louis too, but Louis didn’t ask me out yet, Harry did. So I’ll have to settle for him, for now. Hopefully Louis will like me, and ask me out eventually. Harry was taking us on a picnic in the park. I don’t see or talk to Louis all day. It seems like he’s avoiding me, and I don’t know why. Once I’m ready, I meet Harry in the kitchen.

“Wow, you look… amazing.” Said Harry looking at me up and down, I look at him.

“You look pretty good yourself,” I say smiling. He holds out his arm, which I link mine with. We head out to the door. Louis sits on the couch, watching TV. I turn and look at him before shutting the door, he looks at me and gives me a sad smile.

We get in the car and make small conversation on the way there. When we get to the park, we get out, and Harry grabs the picnic basket from the back seat. We walk over and find a spot under a big, shady tree, and sit down there. We set everything up and start to eat the sandwiches he packed. We lay on the blanket, facing each other.

“So, what do you think? I make pretty good sandwiches right?” Harry asks smiling. I nod.

“I have to admit, they are very tasty,” I laugh a little. “Thanks for taking me out, this is fun.”

“Sure thing, babe. Anything for you,” he smiles and winks. He kinda seemed perfect right now.

We stare at each other for a little bit, before I realize that our heads our leaning into each other’s. Then our lips connect, it’s really nice actually. But I can’t help but wonder what it is like to kiss Louis, what do his lips feel like? What’s it like to have him as my boyfriend? To have him say sweet things to me? Will I ever find out? I hope so, and I hope it’s soon. I don’t think I can keep guessing anymore, wondering if I’ll ever know.

I pull away and we both smile. Harry is really nice and all, but I don’t really see us working out. It’s just so confusing right now, with my feelings for Louis, and I just don’t know what to do. I just wish I knew how Louis felt about me, it’s killing me inside. Last night he said that he didn’t love me, that he didn’t want me as his girlfriend, so why am I still so hung up on it? He obviously only likes me a friend, I just need to move on, but I can’t.

After a little while, we decide to go home, the date went pretty well. When we walk through the door, Louis is still in the same position, watching TV. Liam, Niall, and Zayn are nowhere to be found, maybe they went out or something.

“I’m really tired, thanks for the lovely date, see you at dinner.” Says Harry, kissing my lips in front of Louis, not really caring, before going to his room. I smile at him then take a seat on the couch next to Louis, but not too close to him. He turns to me, and I do the same.

“Well, how was it?” he asks.

“Really fun. He’s so sweet.” I say smiling.

“Don’t be fooled Audrey,” says Louis.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask defensive.

“Nothing, I’m just telling you to watch out. Don’t let him fool you ‘is all.” He says giving his attention back to the screen.

“He’s not fooling me, he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met. I know this is way too soon, but I can see us working out, and being together for a long time.” I lie, I can’t see us together at all, but right now I’m a little mad at him, so I don’t care.

Louis looks at me sad, and shocked, he’s speechless for a moment. Then he rolls his eyes.

“Don’t be silly, like you and Harry would ever last,” he says.

“Like you would even know,” I say.

“I do know. I know Harry, he’ll just wind up hurting you in the future, trust me. Harry may be sweet, but he can also be a player, he tends to hurt a lot of girls. And I don’t want you to be one of them.” He says.

“Why do you even care? You’ve been avoiding me all day. Some friend you are,” I say rolling my eyes.

“Says the girl who’s dating her best friend’s jerk of a friend. You two aren’t going to work out. You’re going to get hurt, and I won’t be here for you, or offer a shoulder to cry on when he does.” He says. I’m really hurt right now, why was he being so harsh and mean to me? What did I do to him?

“Wow, jealous much? And you know what don’t worry, you’d be the last person I’d go to when and if I ever get hurt by him, which I won’t. Why are you being such a jerk right now? I thought you were my best friend?” I ask.

“I am you’re best friend!” he says, his voice getting quieter.

“Well, you’re not acting like one,” I say getting up and leaving the room too.

I collapse on my bed and bury my head in my pillow, that’s when the tears start coming. This is the first time I’ve cried since I woke up. I’m not really sure why I’m crying either. I’m just so confused right now, I think I love Harry, but I also love Louis, and I just got into a big fight with him. And I have no idea what to do, why is all this happening?

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