Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A/N: you guys never comment. -_- I still love you, but I'd love you more if you'd comment more. Oh well, this story is ending at Chapter 30 plus and a Epilogue. Don't worry, I'm writing another story. But with a different boy. My plan is to write a sorry for each boy that way everyone can story write about their favorite member and all. :) thanks sooooooooo much for the 1,600 + reads! I almost at 1,700!!! You guys are incredible. Okay so this is basically a filler, since I can't come up with anything else. It's gonna be short, like really short. Sorry but eh well you know. Little Mix's album DNA is like amazing, I can't. Where did I get it? The Internet since Little Mix doesn't feel the need to release it in the US like you have fans over here too! Oh well. The pic on the side of Lou, like really? Can u not? Enjoy :)


**Louis' POV**

"Just got off the phone with Paul, he says we're going back on tour soon for the new album. Are you gonna okay to go Lou?" Asks Harry.  

"Uh yeah, I'll be fine." I lie, while looking at the ground. I have been getting better a little every day, but not well enough to go on tour soon just yet. I still need some time. But I can't let down the boys or the fans or anyone else. I have to go. It'll be good for me, keep me and my mind busy. Yeah, it will.  

"Okay, if you're sure..." He says.  

"I am." I say not taking my eyes off the carpet.

Silence fills the room.

"So Lou, what do you want to do?" Asks Zayn sitting on the couch next to me. 

I think about it before saying it out loud.  

"I want to go see Audrey today, at the cemetery." I say finally looking up. The boys just look at me with unsure looks on their faces, Niall's eyebrows are raised.  

"Mate, are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, it's only been a week since the funeral, and-" Liam begins.  

"I'm sure." I cut him off. "I just want to be close with her again. That's the only thing I can do to feel that way. I think if I went, it'd actually help me. I need to see her, I need to have some time alone with her. I haven't had time alone with her since honestly I don't even know how long. It'll be good for me," I smile weakly.  

"Okay," Harry simply says.  

"I think I'm gonna go now actually. The sooner the better," I say getting up and grabbing my car keys.  

"I'll be back in a hour or so," I say closing the door.


I just stare at the headstone sitting in front of me. I read the words written on it over and over again.

Audrey Elizabeth Myers.  

May 15, 1993 - December 10, 2012 

Forever In Our Hearts

It's still so weird seeing that. Knowing that she's dead, it all still feels like a dream. I'm still not used to it, I don't think I ever will. Tears fill the brim of my eyes, I don't want to cry anymore. I'm surprised I still have tears in me to cry anyway. It seems like all I've done for the past week is cry and cry and cry some more. I hold back the tears, no more crying Louis, you came here to move on.

I look around to see no one else but hundreds of other headstones. The wind blows and it's almost as if I can hear Audrey still talking to me. I smile at this then give my attention back to the headstone.

"Audrey," I say, my breathe shaking. "I just want to tell you how much I love you. I love you so much, I know I should've said it more, but I didn't and I'm sorry, so I'm telling you now. I really really love you, just know that. Also know that I miss you more than words can describe," I say tearing up again. "You honestly have no idea just how much I miss you. You didn't deserve this, you really didn't. You did nothing to deserve this, to have this happen to you. If I would've known that this would've been the outcome of us going to get something to eat, I would've never ever let you go. Or I would've let Charlie take me instead and leave you, maybe I'd be the one dead and not you. I know that's an awful thing to say, but if I were dead, then I wouldn't have to go through this pain of losing you. But then again, you would be in my position, and I don't want anyone to feel how I'm feeling. I don't know. I just.... Wish the whole thing never happened. I thought I lost you that day of the accident, but thankfully I got you back. This time I don't get you back. And I wish I would've known, I would've appreciated you more, treated you better. I don't know..." I trail off. "The main thing here is, I love you and miss you so much. I just want you to know that." I finish.

The wind blows in response and I smile again. "I'll come back and visit as much as I can, but soon I'm going to be on tour again, and I won't have time to come here. But when I do, every free second I get, I'm coming right here and spending it with you." I smile. "I know how excited you were for this Christmas, since this was going to be the first one you remember, and it really sucks that you're not gonna be here for it. We usually spent almost every Christmas together, this year, I don't know what I'm going to do to be honest. I'll probably spend it with my mum and family and the lads, but it's not going to be the same without you. I've got to gone now Audrey, I'll see you soon though." I get up off the ground and place the flowers on the headstone.  

"I love you." I say one last time before heading back home.

**Harry's POV**

"I'm just still really worried about Louis, he's just not himself." Says Liam.  

"Can you blame him? His best friend died, do you expect him to be running around all happy and cracking jokes?" I say. Liam shakes his head. "You just don't understand what it's like," I say a little angry at his comment. "What's not to understand?" He asks. I look at him. "You don't understand what it's like to have someone you care about and love so much. So much... And then suddenly have them taken away from you for the rest of your life." I say upset. 

"And you do?" Asks Niall. I glare at him. 

"No I don't! But I can imagine. Actually I don't even want to imagine that. I just know that it's got to hurt a hell of a lot. And we are his best friends so I'm not understanding why all of you are being such jerks to him! Saying that he needs to get over it and-"  

"We never said that," Niall butts in.  

"Not in those exact words, but in others you did. You keep complaining about how dull, lifeless, sad, and depressed he is all the time. Honestly what do you expect him to be like?! Audrey was his best friend, she was ours too. So I don't get why you guys are hurting just as much!" I say mad.

"Mate, calm down. We didn't mean anything like that, all we are saying is that we are really worried about Louis, that's all. We are just concerned about him and how he's been acting lately. I know his best friend just died, but we're still worried about him. And we are hurting, trust me we are, we've discussed it all before. We just aren't showing it, because we don't see how being sad and depressed all the time is going to help us get any better." Says Liam.  

I sigh. "Just let him be, okay? I'm sure he's fine he's just going through a tough time right now, we all are. But we have to be there for Lou, we have to talk to him and help him get through this. Yeah you say that you won't get through it by being sad and depressed all the time, you also won't get through it if you're all alone and no one can help you." I say looking at them.

Louis walks in the door and gives us a weak smile. "Hey guys."  

We smile back. "Hey Lou, how was it?" I ask. "It was good, I think it helped me actually. I feel better now. But I'm actually really tired, I think I'll go take a nap in my bed. See you," he says disappearing into his room.  

"See you later Lou, " we call after him.

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