Chapter Two

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A/N: Ok here's the next chapter, I hope you like it!! :)

**Audrey’s POV**

I feel a sharp pain in my head, and all over my body, but mostly my head. What happened? I stare up at the strange boy who looks down at me utterly confused at the three words I just said to him. He stares at me from the chair, he blinks his eyes a few times. Then he turns to the to two people who sit in the chairs opposite him.

“Why is she asking who I am?” he asks with worry in his voice. The woman looks at me, with water in her eyes, then back at the boy.

“She uh… she has amnesia. She lost her memory, all of it. She doesn’t remember anyone or anything. When the car crashed, she hit her head on the dashboard and that was the cause of her losing her memory.” The woman says softly.

The boy stares at her, speechless. “So she doesn’t remember you?”

The girl shakes her head sadly before burying her head into the man’s shoulder. And the man replies, “No, nothing.”  

Should I remember the woman and man? Should I remember the boy? Where am I anyway? Why are all these people here? What happened? What car crash is she talking about? Who am I? I have so many questions that I need answers to, I’m so confused right now. I’m also very tired, but I think it’s the wrong time to go to sleep right now.

The boy turns his head back to me and stares into my eyes deeply. I stare back into his bright blue eyes that are mesmerizing. His start to fill with water as well, why though? My eyes stare at his face, it’s quite attractive too. Who is this strange boy?

I decide to get some answers to my questions. I sit up more and take my eyes away from the gorgeous boy and look at the man and woman.

“Where am I?” I ask the first question.

“You’re in the hospital,” the woman answers simply.

“Why am I in the hospital?” I shoot back.

“You were in an accident,” she replies.

“What kind of accident?”

“A car accident. You’ve been in a coma for a week now.” She says.

I sit and think about it. Coma. What does this word mean?

“What’s a coma?” I ask.

“Uh, it means that you were unconscious for a while, and in other words, you were asleep.” She says.

“Oh,” I reply thinking about it. “Well why was I in the accident?”

“Your boyfriend was drunk while he was driving,” Drunk, what’s that word mean too? I make a mental note to find out what they mean later on. And I have a boyfriend? Since when?

“Who am I?” I ask.

“You’re Audrey Elizabeth Myers. You’re eighteen years old. You love to read and write. You love school. You have many friends who all love you and have been visiting you while you were asleep here.” The woman replies.

“Well, who are you?” I ask.

The woman turns her head to the man, who is sad, then she turns back to me.

“We’re you’re parents. I’m Carey, your mother. And this is Jim, you’re father.” She gestures to the man sitting next to her. So they're my parents, my mother and father. The words sound familiar to me. I know what the words mean too. I turn and see the boy with the bright blue eyes still staring at me, and still confused. I turn back to Carey and Jim.

“Who’s he?” I say eyeing the boy. His face is filled with sadness.

“His name is Louis Tomlinson, he’s you’re best friend, and has been since you were little.” my supposed father replies.

I stare at Louis. Louis, the name doesn’t ring even the tiniest of bells. Louis gives me a weak smile, sadness in his eyes.

“He’s my best friend?” I question. They all nod.

“I don’t remember,” I say shaking my head slightly at Louis. That’s when I see water flow out of his eyes and down his red cheeks.

“You don’t remember me at all?” he asks hoping that I will just the slightest.

“No, sorry. I don’t remember you.” I answer truthfully.

That’s when the water really flows from his eyes, he wipes them away with is sleeve and gets up from the chair. He turns to my parents.

“Excuse me,” he says, then he opens the door and leaves. I stare at the closed door confused. Have I upset him? Why has he left? I suddenly feel bad about it. I turn back to my parents.

“I don’t understand… Have I done something wrong?” I ask.

“No, love, you haven’t.” my mother leans over to me and grabs my hand.  “It’s just that, since you were in the accident, you lost your memory, you don’t remember a thing at all. Louis was really your best friend, and I think he’s just a bit upset that you don’t remember him or your friendship with him.”

“Oh.” I say staring at the floor. “Will I ever remember?”

“Hard to say, but we’re going to try our best to help you remember as much as possible.” My father says.

“Thank you,” I smile a little.

“I know you’ve been sleeping for a week now, but why don’t you try and get some rest, for real this time. You look tired, love.” My mother says. I don’t object, I actually am very tired. I lay back down on my bed. My mother kisses my forehead and then her and my father leave the room.

Louis comes back in the room once they leave. I look at him, his eyes are red, and puffy. He stares down sadly at me.

“I’m sorry I don’t remember you,” I apologize, I still feel bad about making him upset.

He gives a weak smile. “It’s not your fault love, don’t apologize.” He says hesitantly grabs my hand, but this time, I let him and don’t pull away. My eyelids are drooping, I can barely keep them open. Louis notices this.

“Go to sleep love, you look knackered.” He says stroking my face with his other hand. The last thing I see before I go to sleep are those bright blue eyes staring back at me.

Please Don't Forget Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now