Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: Here's the next chapter, does anyone have any good fanfic to read? I really like One Direction ones, I don't care who they are about though, on the side, is a fetus picture of 1D, they look so cute :)


**Louis’ POV**

I can’t believe that just happened, I think to myself, as I watch her start to fade from my view. My best friend, the girl I loved, now hates me, all because of some stupid mistake I made. I’m such an idiot. I hit my head on the steering wheel a few times, as a punishment for me being stupid. But as my head throbs in pain, I realize that my punishment was losing Audrey, that was worst punishment I could have ever gotten, but I got it.

How could I be so stupid? I should’ve listened to Harry! I should’ve just told her, cause now things are messed up. I lost Audrey, it hurts to know, that she doesn’t want to see me, or talk to me. That she wants nothing to do with me, I ruined everything between us. But I lost her as my best friend, and that hurts the most. Was it worth it? No, it wasn’t, I regret everything now. I just want to go back in time, fix everything, start over. I rest my head on the window, as I watch small snowflakes start to fall, then more and more start to fall, then my entire window is covered in a thin, white, layer of snow. Great, she’s walking home, which is miles away, in the freezing cold, while it’s snowing outside.

I want to go back to the day she came back home from the hospital, that’s when I should’ve told her, I want to go back to that day. Wait, no, I don’t want to go back to that day. I want to go back to the day the accident happened. If I had known, I was home, I was staring at the picture of us when it happened. If I could go back, I’d be the one to pick her up and drive her home, I’d make sure she wasn’t with Charlie. Then she would’ve gotten home safe, she wouldn’t have gotten in the accident, she wouldn’t have lost her memory, she’d still be my best friend, nothing would have changed, and I certainly wouldn’t be in this mess right now.

I have to go chase after her, that’s what she secretly wants me to do, I just know it. She wants me to go running after her, apologize again, tell her I love her, tell her I screwed up, try to fix things.

I get out of the car, and try to find her. The snow is falling hard now, I can barely see a thing. “AUDREY!” I scream, she couldn’t have gotten that far, it hasn’t even been five minutes yet. “AUDREY!” I scream again… nothing.

I pace up and down the side of the road, what should I do? I get back in the car, and decide to drive around to see if she’s on the streets anywhere.

I drive by slowly, but nothing, there’s no one in sight. What happened to her? What if she got lost? I have to keep looking. I continue to drive around, looking for her for another half hour, but still nothing. Maybe she made it home, I should go home and see if she’s there.

I drive home, I walk through the door, and am greeted by a very upset, and angry Harry. His arms are folded, he leans up against the wall, sending daggers into my head. I stare back at him bluntly, knowing I’m in for it. Harry just shakes his head.

“I told you Louis, I told you. And now look at what you did,” he says firmly. I stare back at him, nervous.

“I know, I’m sorry. I messed up, is Audrey here?” I say quick, not really wanting to talk to Harry right now.

“She is. But she doesn’t want to see you, she’s actually collecting her things then she’s going back to her house.” He says. Audrey had been staying with us for a few days now, because her parents had an emergency meeting at their jobs in London, and wouldn’t be back for about four or five days.

“She’s leaving?” I ask. Harry nods.

I start for the stairs, leading upstairs to go to her room, but Harry blocks me.

“Harry, please move.” I say politely. He shakes his head. “Harry, I don’t have time for these games, I need to talk to Audrey, now please move.” He shakes his head again. “Harry, don’t make me get mad at you, cause I will.” I say. Harry stares at me amused.

“Go for it,” he challenges. I grab him by the shirt and throw him against the other wall, moving him out of my way. His body slams into it, and hard, he yelps at the pain, I hear his bones hit the wall, he clutches his side before looking at me evilly.

“I did warn you.” I say before walking up the stairs. Audrey’s door is shut closed, I gently knock on it.

“Audrey, it’s me. Please open up. I need to talk to you.” I beg. There’s no answer, but I hear a ruffling sound, and a zipper of a suitcase being zipped up. I hear the suitcase being thrown onto the ground, then being wheeled closer to the door. It stops for a second, then the doorknob moves slightly, and Audrey’s face appears.

Her eyes are red and puffy from crying, I guess. Her makeup running down her face, but she still looks stunning. Her hair is a mess, and is slightly damp from the snow falling onto it. Her suitcase is in her hand, beside her. She stares at me, expressionless.

“Audrey,” I whisper. She stares at me, then shoves me out of the way and rolls her suitcase down the hall. “Audrey,” I call after her, but she keeps going. I follow her.

I hear the suitcase’s wheels go down the stairs. The faint mumbling, between her and Harry. Then the suitcase starts to move again. I finish walking down the stairs, and I feel Harry stare at me angrily as I follow Audrey to the door. She opens it, walks out, and slams it shut, right before I can walk out behind her. I open the door again myself and see her quickly walking down the driveway. I make my way to her. The snow is coming down fast and hard now. Tiny snowflakes land in her hair, and on her coat. The snow made her look even more pretty than she normally is, and that’s really saying something.

“AUDREY,” I call out after her. “PLEASE WAIT! I JUST WANT TO TALK TO YOU.” She stops and turns around.

“Why? There’s nothing left to talk about! You lied! I’m leaving!” she yells back at me.

I walk up to her, so we’re only inches away now.

“Listen, I’m sorry okay! I didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted to tell you, I know I should’ve, but I didn’t and I don’t know why, I’m just stupid, that’s why. But I want you to know that I’m truly sorry. It’ll never happen again. I just wanted to have you back as my best friend and have your memory back before I went and told you I was in a popular boy band. I wanted you to get to know again as the real Louis Tomlinson, not the Louis Tomlinson that’s in a boy band with his four other best friends, that sings songs and tours around the world. I wanted to protect you from it all, the fans, paparazzi, the hate you’d get if you were ever seen with me. I don’t know why I thought not telling you would protect you, but I did. I realize that it was wrong and stupid of me, I’ll never lie to you again, I promise. You mean so much to me, and so does our friendship, please give me another chance. I want us to go back being best friends, being a couple, cause I really enjoy that. You make me so happy, you’ll never understand how happy you make me. I already lost you once, I don’t want to lose you again.” I finish.

Audrey stares at me, thinking. She opens her mouth to speak, but before any words come out, I grab her face and bring it to mine, kissing her. She wraps her arms around me, and mine go to her waist, pulling her closer to me. We stand there for a while, kissing. Until I realize how freezing it is outside. And how much Audrey must be cold too. I pull away and we stare at each other, smiles creep on our faces.

“I forgive you, ya know.” She smirks.

“Thank you so much. I love you.” I say.

“I love you too.” She replies before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

“Now, let’s go back inside, where it’s warm,” I say taking her hand and her suitcase as we head back inside. Finally, things were working out again.

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