Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Okay so I've decided that I'm gonna upload every Saturday, most likey at night too. Sorry guys, but that's the only time that works for me. Sorry. :/

>>>> in the side bar, there's Gangnam Style. I know it's not 1D related, but I love this song and the music video, even though I have no idea what's he saying about 99% of the time, it's still great. I know the dance too, :3 not that you care, but still. :)


**Louis’ POV**

I wake up on the couch in my flat. It’s dawn and very quiet. What happened last night? Where’s Audrey? Was it all a dream?

I get up off the couch but instantly collapse back onto it. Pain overtakes me whole body. Why am I in such pain? It takes all I have to get up and go to the bathroom, when I’m there, I look at myself in the mirror. My face is covered in stretches and bruises, and I have a black eye, and my there is dry blood all over.

I walk around the house looking for anyone. In my bed, Zayn and Niall are sleeping. Harry is sleeping in his own bed. And I then I walk into the guest room where Liam sleeps in the chair, while Alex is asleep in the bed. Where’s Audrey? I pick up my phone and dial her phone, it goes straight to voicemail. She always her phone, especially when I’m calling. I go and wake up Harry, who like me, is covered in bruises and cuts.

“Mm?” he mumbles as he sits up.

“Harry, what happened? Why are we all hurt? Where’s Audrey?” I ask. He stares up at me.

“You don’t remember?” he asks seriously.

I shake my head. “If I did, would I be asking you?” he shakes his own head.

“What happened is we were at the café, Charlie showed up, wanted Audrey back, you of course refused, so he punched you. Audrey yelled at him, long story short, his friends beat all of us up, and they took Audrey.” He said, the last part he was nervous of my reaction.

“They, they took Audrey?” I ask slowly staring at the ground.

He nods.

“Where did they take her?”

“I don’t know mate, anywhere.” He says sadly.

“Well, we have to do something! We have to call the police, we have to get her back.” I say angrily.

“We already did! Last night, after they knocked you out, we called them. Zayn and Liam chased after them, but Charlie lost them, we have no idea where they are.” He said.

“Well we can’t just sit back here and do nothing because he got away!” I shout.

“There’s nothing we can do! She’ll come back, I know she will.” He says.

“What if she doesn’t?” I ask.

“She will.” He answers.

“I need to find her,” I say.

“Mate, right now, you need to rest. You’re hurt pretty badly, you need to recover before you go searching the entire country looking for her. Just rest up for a bit, then we can go. Maybe she’ll even be back by then.”  He says.

“I appreciate your optimism Harry, but she’s not going to come back on her own, I have to go down something about it, now.” I say leaving the room.

I spend the entire day going all over town, trying to find her. I stop every person I see, asking if they saw her, but she’s nowhere to be found.  I come home to be greeted by everyone who asks if I’ve had any luck, I tell them no. She has to be around here somewhere. I need to find Charlie, when I find him, I’ll find Audrey. But no one has seen him since last night either.

“Maybe she’ll answer her phone,” says Harry.

“Good idea,” I say taking out my phone and dialing her number. No answer. I try again, still no answer. I try one more time, still nothing, it just goes straight to voicemail.

“No answer. Guys, I’m getting really worried. What if she’s not okay?” I ask scared.

“Mate, she’s fine. I know she is. She’s with Charlie, I know it was all a bet, but they did date for quite some time, so that means he must care about her right? He’s not going to do anything to hurt her, he wouldn’t do that. He may be mean and violent and a jerk and a —”

“Harry, I get it, continue.” I say.

“Right, he may be all those things, but he’s not going to hurt Audrey. She’s fine. You just need to stop worrying so much. It’s not good for you.” He says putting his hand on my shoulder.

“I know, I just can’t help but worry about her.” I say, they all look at me with sad faces.

“I mean, I already lost her once, I don’t want to lose her again.” Everyone just stares at me, the room is silent.

“I’m tired, I’m going to go to bed I guess, not that I’ll get too much sleep, but still. See you later,” I say walking out of the room and into my bedroom, flopping on the bed. I just lay there, awake, in the dark. Thinking about Audrey, I make up dozens scenarios of where she is, if she’s okay, what she’s doing right now. Some of them are good and make me feel better about the whole situation, but then others make me paranoid and extremely worried.

“Louis, just go to sleep, stop worrying, she’s fine. Get some sleep, she’ll call in the morning.” I say to myself, not changing my position, but just closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.  

Please Don't Forget Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now