Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N: Okay as promised, here's the next chapter :) but it's kinda short too, and okay seriously guys go listen to Taylor Swift's new album RED it's flawless, like legit. My favorite album so far. I'm gonna post another song from the album, it's also my favorite and I recommend you to listen to it, yes it is irrelevant to the chapter again, but who cares? Not me, it's a great song, just please listen to it, it's called All Too Well. Absolutely amazing. Also thank you so much for the 800 reads!! When I posted chapter Twenty I only had a little over 500 reads and now I'm close to 1000!! I'm so excited for me to get 1000 just saying :) okay and don't hate me for this chapter. I had to write it like this. I don't know when the next update will be, hopefully soon, :)


**Louis' POV**

When we get home I just go into my bedroom, and just pray that they will find Audrey and that she'll be safe and sound. I'm so caught up in thinking about Audrey and worry about her, that I don't even notice that I fall asleep.....

"Louis wake up, Louis." Someone says softly as they gently shake me to get me up. I open my eyes to find Niall staring down at me.  

"I thought you should get up, it's 1 in the afternoon." He says.  

"Did the police call or anything?" I ask hopeful. 

He shakes his head, "Not yet."  

"Well let me know if they call, I'll just stay in here for now." I say. Niall nods and then leaves the room.

I pull out an old photo album from my closet and look at it. It's filled with pictures of me and Audrey, just me and her.

There's a picture of the time when we were just born and in a crib together.

The next one is of us sitting on the floor playing with our toys, we are laughing.

Then we have matching outfits on in the next one.

We are eating ice cream outside during the summer, we were only six then.

Another is of us at the beach together, we are running toward the water, and it looks like we're screaming, but happily.

Then there's the picture of us when we were swinging on the swings, smiling and holding each other's hands.

The next one is of us at my tenth birthday. We are hugging each other and our faces have the biggest smiles you'll ever see.

In the next one, Audrey is kissing my cheek, and my whole face was beat red. I feel myself blush just remembering when it happened. It was my sixteenth birthday she was fourteen. That was when I had a crush on her.

The last one is my on the X Factor, I had just found out I made it to the semi-finals. Me and Audrey are hugging like we haven't seen in each other months, but that's because we haven't. That was the time our friendship was fading and we barely talked, and I was practically ignoring her for some reason. I regret it all so much right now.

Then thats it, the book ends. There's no more photos.  

Tears form in my eyes. I wish I could go back to all those times we spent together.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. All the boys walk in slowly.  

"Hey." I say to them, they don't respond.  

"What's up?" I stare at them. They all have long faces on.  

"We just got off the phone with Officer McDaniel." Says Liam.  

"Really?! Well did he find Charlie?" I ask eagerly.  

"Yeah, he did." Answers Niall.  

"Great! So they found Audrey then?" I ask even more happy.  

"Yeah they found Audrey," says Zayn sadly, which I don't understand. They all stare at me sadly. I can tears start to form in Niall's eyes.  

"That's fantastic news! When do I get to see her? Why do you all look sad?" I ask confused. 

"Mate, they found Audrey," says Harry looking at me seriously.  

"Yeah! I know! Isn't that brilliant?! I can't wait to see her!" I say with a huge grin on my face, but I'm still the only one smiling.  

Harry looks at me sadly still. His eyes are glared.  

"No mate," he says whispering, "they found Audrey's body..."

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