Chapter Eighteen

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A/N: Okay, so I'm really sorry guys. I know updates have been slow and everything, but you don't understand. High School is like taking over my life. I have a lot of homework and studying to do. Then there's also socializing on Facebook, you know that's always important, lol and I also have to go to some football games and stuff, it's just busy. Honeslty, the only day I can write, (unless there's no school or any football game or anything on Friday night) is Saturday. And I'll try and upload it either that day or Sunday. I'm going to try and write more than one chapter so in the middle of the week, I can just upload it and it'd be really fast. So I don't know how I'm gonna do it all, but I'll figure it out. This is chapter is deticated KAILINN cause she's super nice, and said my fanfic was awesome, which made my day. So thank you for that :) Okay, sorry this is a really long Author's Note, here's the next chapter. oh and one more thing, next chapter, is gonna have a lot of drama, so stay tuned!   


**Audrey’s POV**

I can see why I was best friends with Alex, she’s so great and funny, and just a genuinely nice person, I love her! Louis seems to be getting along with her, which is good. I can’t have my two best friends hate each other. But earlier on, when I went to the bathroom and came back, they were sitting awful close together, and they looked rather suspicious. I know they weren’t doing anything of course, they are my best friends, and I trust them, they just looked weird ‘is all.

I quickly shook the thought from my head and began to pay attention to the story Alex was trying to tell me.

“And then you slipped and fell on your butt, your food went everywhere. Then everyone started to laugh at you and you got really embarrassed, you haven’t eaten in the cafeteria ever since,” she finishes. She looks at me, waiting for a response, but I’ve zooned out of it all and don’t really know what she’s talking about. I just decide to shake my head and smile.

“Oh my gosh, that must have been so embarrassing,” I say.

“Oh, it was.” She says. We all smile.

“Why don’t I call the boys over, and we can all do something fun together?” Louis suggests.

“Okay,” Alex and I say. Louis gets his phone and goes into the other room, leaving us alone.

“So, you and Louis huh?” she asks a little depressed for some reason. She’s referring to us being a couple, I’m guessing.

“Yeah…” I smile even just thinking about it.

“Well, it’s about time.” She fakes laughs. “Everyone could see your feelings for each other, except you two. I’m just glad it happened finally.” But she doesn’t sound glad for us, she sounds honestly, a bit jealous, but it might just be me.

“Yeah, me too. I don’t know why it didn’t happen sooner either.” I say, she just looks at me.

“So, how’s Noah? When are you two going out?” I ask.

“This weekend, and he’s really sweet.” She says still upset.

“Why aren’t you happy? I thought Noah Ryder was the cutest boy in school. Earlier you were so happy about it, and now…” I trail off.

“No, no. He is, and I am happy. I’m just thinking about another thing.” She says avoiding my eyes.

“Well, what is it? Do you want to talk about it?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, not with you, I can’t.”

“Sure you can! I’m your best friend, come on, please tell me.” I plead, I really wanted to know what it was.

“No, Audrey, I just can’t.” She says getting upset.

“Why not?” I demand.

“Because…” she begins, then Louis walks in the door.

“The boys will be here in just a few minutes.” He announces.

“Great,” I say. Alex stares at the ground, clearly still thinking about whatever it was she was thinking about earlier.

In about ten minutes, the boys all come over and hang out with us.

“So, how about we all watch or movie or something?” suggest Niall, once we all get silent because we ran out of things to say.

“Let’s watch Toy Story!” Liam suggests. Everyone groans but me.

“What?” I ask.

“That’s my favorite movie,” says Liam.

“Which means he watches it all the time,” says Zayn.

“And he’s always with us,” says Niall.

“Which means we always watch it,” says Harry. “So, what would you say lads, how many times have we seen it?”

“Oh, I don’t know, maybe once or twice… or maybe two billions times.” Says Louis.

This gets us all to laugh.

“We are not, watching Toy Story Liam.” Says Harry.

“Fine,” he says. “What about Toy Story Two?” Everyone groans again. “Three?” We all stare at him.

“Fine, no Toy Story then,” he says.

We all fight over which movie to watch, and we don’t decide on one either.

“I’m hungry,” Niall announces in the middle of all of us bickering.

“What else is new?” Louis says.

“Not me being hungry,” he replies.

“Fine, let’s go get some food then,” says Harry.

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