Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: Here's the next chappie! sorry if it's boring, I dont know what else to write. Go watch the video on the side ;)


Me and Louis sit on the couch, watching SpongeBob when my phones rings.

“We, are never ever, ever, getting back together. We! Are never ever, ever getting back together.”

“Who is it, babe?” asks Louis.

I pick it up and read the caller ID. “Alex,”

“Your best friend,” he says.

“You go talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me, but we are never ever, ever getting back together!”

“Hello?” I answer it.

“Oh my God! Finally! Audrey, where have you been? Why aren’t you in school anymore? Why haven’t you talked to me in weeks, have you forgotten that we’re best friends?” she asks angrily.

Whoa, calm down. Is she serious. She doesn’t even have clue about the accident I was in. Which I don’t understand, if it was as big of an accident everyone says it was, why doesn’t everyone know about it? Including my so called, best friend?

“I’ve been busy, and my mum says I’m not ready for school just yet. Where have you been? You’re supposed to be my best friend,” I shoot back.

“Busy? Doing what? And your mum? Your mum was always so hard on you when it came to school. She made sure you always got straight A’s, and now she says you’re not ready for school, that doesn’t make any sense. It’s only December, why would she say that? What aren’t you ready for? And I am! But you haven’t called me once! The last time I talked to you was right before I went on my vacation to Disney World, and when I got back, you were nowhere to be found. And no one would tell me what was going on!” she says.

So maybe that’s why, she doesn’t know. She went on vacation, in a different country, and no one must have had the guts to tell her that her best friend was in a car accident and lost her memory.

“I’m sorry okay? Listen could you come over, I have a lot to tell you.” I say.

“Sure, I’ll be there in a few,” she says, and the line goes dead.

“She sounded pretty mad at you,” says Louis.

“And I don’t know why, none of this is my fault.” I say.

“Babe, I know that. I never said it was.” He says calmly.

“Well, she seems to think it is,” I say upset. Louis hugs me.

“It’s alright, love.” He says softly.

There’s a knock at the door, I get up and answer it. I’m greeted by a squealing girl, who wraps me in a bear hug.

“Alex?” I say unsure, I haven’t seen her since the accident, I forget what she looks like.

“Audrey, so good to see you again.” She unwraps me from the hug, her hands on both of my shoulders. She steps back and examines me.

“You look… different.” She says blankly.

“Well, a lot has happened since the last time I saw you,” I say.

“No kidding! I have so much to tell you! Oh, my gosh! Louis! It’s been forever!” she says walking over to him, and hugging him. He hugs her back, then gives me a look, and I laugh.

“Yeah, it has. How’ve you been?” he asks.

“Great! How about you?” she asks.

“Good,” he replies.

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