Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: oh my god, I'm so so so so sorry that I kept you guys waiting this long!!! I kept you guys waiting almost an entire month, and I always complain about how some of the stories I read, the people take weeks to upload a new chapter and now I've become one of them. I'm honestly so sorry. It's just I haven't had the inspiration to write it or had the time, who knew High School would make me so busy?? But this is short and just a filler, but the next one is a shocker. And the next one will be up tonight too. Because you guys deserve two chapters after this long wait. By the way I'm writing this from my iPad, which is cool because I never used this to upload before, so yeah. Again I'm so sorry, okay rant over, here's the next chapter..... Oh and by the way the song on the side is The Moment I Knew by Taylor Swift from her new album RED which is absolutely flawless. Go check it out. You don't have to listen it to, it's irrelevant to the chapter really but I really really love this song, and I think you will too, so listen to it? :)


**Louis' POV**

"Audrey! I'm so happy I finally found you! I missed you so much!" I say wrapping her into a big hug.

"I know, I missed you so much too Louis." She says back.

We just hug each other in silence for the longest time, but it's great. I'm so happy to have her back again....











My eyes flutter open and I sit up in bed. Oh, it was just a dream.

"I actually thought I found her." I say to myself.

"You okay, mate?" Says Harry leaning against the door frame.

"I had a dream that I found Audrey, that's all." I tell him looking at the ground.

He comes and sits down on the bed with me.

"Mate we'll find her, I promise. I'll help you today." He gives me a weak smile. I return it with one of my own.

"Thanks mate,"

"Today me and Louis are going to go looking for Audrey," Harry announces to the lads.

"Would you like us to come with you?" Liam asks.

"If you could, we need all the help we get. The more people we having looking for her, the better chances we have to finding her." I reply. He nods.

"We'd be glad to help you find her mate," says Niall.

"Yeah we love Audrey." Zayn chimes in.

I just smile at them.

"Okay, well let's get looking then!" Says Harry.

We all get into my car and I drive us all around town. We stop everywhere and ask if anyone has seen her, showing them her picture. Of course, they all say no. Hours go by and still nothing.

"I just don't get it! We've looked all over town a dozen times, we've asked everyone we saw if they've seen her, and they say no, how is that? I know she's nearby, I just know she is. How could no one have seen her?" I ask frustrated.

"I don't know," says Liam quietly. They rest of the boys stay silent, because they know I'm right and don't know either.

"Should we call the police?" I ask them unsure. They all just look at me. "I don't know what to do! I'm out of options. It's been almost three days, and no one has seen or heard from her, she's considered missing now. Maybe they'll find her. That is their job right?" I ask rhetorically.

"That's what I'll do, I'm going to call the police." I say taking out my iPhone and dialing their number.

"Hello?" Some man on the other lines says.

"Hello yes, I would like to report my girlfriend, she's gone missing." I say.

"What's her name?" They ask.

"Audrey Myers, she's eighteen years old."

"Okay when did she disappear?"

"About three days ago, and I've looked all over town and no one has seen or heard from her since then."

"Do you know who could've taken her?"

"Yes, her ex-boyfriend Charlie Dilliman. But I have no idea where he could be."

"Where are you?"

"London. Right by the Starbucks on 5th Street." (A/N: I have no idea if there is a Starbucks on 5th Street or if there is even a 5th Street in London, lets just pretend there is for the story.)

"Okay and what's your name?"

"Louis Tomlinson,"

The man pauses, "Louis Tomlinson from One Direction?"

"Yes." I reply.

"Okay we'll send a officer right out there to help you."

"Thank you," I say before hanging up.

"An officer is coming over right now." I tell the boys they nod.

Minutes later, two cop cars pull up near us and three officers gets out and meet us at outside.

"Louis Tomlinson?" One of them asks.

I nod. "Yes, sir."

"I'm Officer McDaniel, can you tell us about Audrey?"

"Well we've been best friends since we were little kids, but we've only been dating for a few weeks. And just a few months ago she was in a bad car accident with Charlie and she lost her memory." I inform him as he writes it down on a pad.

"Tell me more about Charlie and his relationship with Audrey."

"Well they dated for about a year or so, and it was his fault they were in the car accident in the first place. He was drunk and he drove her home, but after she got to the hospital he told her that he was only dating her because it was a bet, so then he broke up with her and that was it. But then three days ago we were at small cafè with our friends and everything and then Charlie shows up with his friends. He was drunk again, and he wanted Audrey back. I don't know why he just did. Then when we told him no way and to get lost, he punched me in my face, Audrey stood up to him, then his friends fought my friends. Then I just remember blacking out, then the next thing I know, I'm asleep on my couch and Audrey is no where to be found." I finally finish.

"Okay, well we'll get started on trying to find out where he is, do you know if he lives in town?" The officer asks.

"I think so, I'm pretty sure but I don't know if he'll be there now." I say.

"Okay well, why don't you all go home, while we go try to find him, and we'll give you a call if we find anything."

"Okay thank you." I say before getting into my car again with the boys and driving home in silence.

Please Don't Forget Me (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now