The Storm

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Summer, 2011

The little just got home with her sister, Reagan, who was two years younger than her. They just had been dropped off at their sky blue house by their grandparents, who they stayed a week with. 

The little girl walked into the house first through the garage which entered between he conjoined kitchen and dining room. 

Her parents sat at the dining table waiting for the girls to come in. She noticed their sad and sullen faces and worried about what was happening. 

Her younger sister was bubbly and excited to be home to her parents. She dropped her suitcase and ran up to their mother and father hugging them both and placing a kiss on their cheeks. 

The older sister stood rooted to the ground by fear and worry. She dared move a step from where she stood, she didn't want to move. She feared that if she did bad things were bound to happen. 

She then examined her mothers face. Her glasses were on the table and her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Her lips were slightly quivering and her hands shook slightly, as she tried to steady them by placing them on the table. 

She then looked at her father. He was hunched over the table, her sisters' arms hung tightly around his neck like a necklace. 

His face was drained of life, he looked hollow. Empty. As if he just saw his life flash before his eyes. The corners of his mouth dipped down forming a frown, and his eyes had dark bags under them. He hadn't shaved in a while either, his stubble on his chin was darker and spread farther across his face. 

The little girl was scared for her parents, and for what news they would bring. 

But, the storm was just beginning and was slowly starting to build more and more.

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