Gender Reveal

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A long time had passed since Mrs. McGee's pregnancy announcement, and many of the students kept asking her the gender of the child. 

And today the students were finally going to learn the gender of Mrs. McGee's child. 

"Class," Mrs. McGee called from her behind her desk. "Please gather in front of the smartboard in the front of the classroom." 

Within seconds the little girl and her classmates rushed to the front of the classroom. The little girl got right in front of the board with Justin by her side, their sides touching and the little girl tried to maintain from blushing furiously at being so close. 

Mrs. McGee remained behind her desk clicking furiously opening up something on her desktop. 

"Alright, she says," rising from her chair and walking over towards the students crowded at the board. "I have a digital balloon on the smartboard that we are going to "pop" in order to reveal the gender of the baby!" 

The class rejoices as they were excited to finally end the never-ending debate once and for all. 

"IT'S GONNA BE A GIRL!" the girls cry happily.

"NO, IT'S GONNA BE A BOY!" the boys shoot back glaring at the girls. 

"It's going to be a boy," Justin whispers in the little girl's ear making her jump.

"It's gonna be a girl you just watch," the little girl fires back grinning widely at the boy.

"it's a boy."

"It's a girl."



"Payton," Mrs. McGee's voice says cutting through the twos argument. 

"Yes, Mrs. McGee?" the little girl asks.

"Will you press the board to reveal the gender?" 

"YES!" the little girl cries with joy to be given the opportunity to do so. 

"On the count of 3," the teacher says as she begins to count down with the class. "3,...2,...1, WHAT'S THE GENDER?!" 

The little girl taps the smartboard revealing a pink slide saying "IT'S A GIRL!".

"YES! WE WERE RIGHT AND YOU WERE WRONG!" the girls yell in victory sticking their tongues out at the boys. 

"So unfair," Justin whispers to the little girl. "I was just close to the board as you were yet, you got to pop the balloon!" he finishes huffing and crossing his arms.

"Oh, get over yourself, Justin, at least we now know the gender of the baby! Which I was right about for the record so..." 

"You were just lucky with your guess," Justin sneers back.

"Whatever," the little girl says giggling as she gets up reaching her hand out to help him up. He grabs her hand and together they pull him up before walking separate ways to reach their seats. 

I was so close to him! the little girl thinks to herself as she melts back at her desk. Her little heart was racing a mile per minute remembering the feeling. My poor heart, stop racing so fast! 

And for the rest of the day, the little girl remembered that part of the day the most and went home feeling fuzzy in the oncoming fall weather. 

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