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11:45 AM (5th period)

The little girl stares off into space as her teacher explains such utter nonsense we call, "education."

Her face has a blank stare as she stares at the empty playground outside her classroom window.

She longed to be there.

To be happy and enjoying herself. 

Yet, she sat in her classroom blank and lifeless yearning to go home. 

2:45 PM (on the bus home)

She stared at the world flourishing around her in bright colors and vast arrays of emotions, enviously

She blankly looked at its appearance wanting to be bright and beautiful just like it; to be loved like it. 

She sits on the brown dingy bus seats waiting to arrive at her home, the children around her laughing and smiling and beaming with joy. 

While she sat there in her bright clothing with a blank face and no emotions.

She "painted" her exterior in bright colors in hopes to fake a bright and bubbly persona.

But, her blank interior shown greatly through the disguise showing her true colors. 

6:37 PM (eating dinner) 

The little girl sits blankly gazing at the blank walls that she could see past the doorway in the dining room. 

She poked at her food not willing to eat, for even her own food was too bright for her empty personality. 

She hated herself and the world.

She hated the bright and colorful things in life most loved.

And she envied it all for that same reason. 

8:00 (bedtime) 

The little girl's parents came into her room wishing her "goodnight" and "sweet dreams" before they turned out the lights leaving her in a room of darkness. 

The little girl sits upright in bed turning around facing the large window behind her staring at the night sky. 

She wished she was as beautiful as the stars. 

She wished she was loved just like them.

She wished she could be them.

Yet, the world reminded her that she will never be like the stars. 

Full of life and beauty; loved and cherished by everyone. 

But that she will be lonely and ugly and blank.

Just like an animal within a cage

And with those hateful words, she has known to accept, help her drift off to a tear-soaked sleep. 

Once again. 

A Lonely 14-Year-Olds LifeWhere stories live. Discover now