Moved Again

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July 2014

The little girl moved yet again from the small town she once lived in but into a larger one.

Closer to St. Louis. 

Farther away from the place she once called "Home".

She wished the world could stop stabbing her in the back along with her friends.

She wished it would all end. 

She's grown tired of the same process repeating itself. 

She's tired of the packing and the unpacking.

Tired of living out of boxes all the time and never having an actually decorated room. 

The little girl sits in the back seat of the van watching the never ending winding road before fly past her along with town's she's never heard of. 

She slowly lets the sleep overtaking as the trip becomes boring as she stares at the same empty cornfields, only to wake up at a new house. 

It was a one-story home that was made of brick that replicated all the others in the neighborhood and was placed on a cozy little corner. 

This was her new "home".

But she will only be here for a year, and she knew that.

Her parents had decided to rent since no homes were for sale that they were interested in. 

And were all her new problems would arise. 

A Lonely 14-Year-Olds LifeWhere stories live. Discover now