Random Object

42 2 0


The little girl sits perched at the computer, her feet dangling and swinging with delight. 

Her features illuminating at the bright colors splattered across the screen. 

Her smile never fading as her character wanders the endless streets in 'ToonTown'. 

An evil man in a suit with his box face stops towards the girl, grinning mischievously.

They begin to fight.

The little girl furiously clicks buttons and squirts the man in the face with water from a flower on her shirt 

He shakes in disgust throwing a pie in the girl's face which she dodges quickly. 

She throws a pie in his face in return, hitting him square in the face. 

The little girl giggles in amusement as the man becomes upset, before overheating and exploding from existence. 

"YES!" the little girl cries jumping from the desk chair raising her arms in victory, only to be met with a hard object in her mouth. 

What is this? 

"Mom," the little girl asks her voice quiet, walking towards the bathroom where her mother and sister are. "What is this?" she asks standing in the doorway, her mother braiding her sister's hair.


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