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"Hi, I'm Payton I hope we can be friends!"  That was the first thing the little girl said when she arrived at her new school and stood in front of her new class joyfully. 

She hoped they could all be friends and that maybe this school was different from the last. 

Days passed and the little girl already met some people at the school whom she liked were friends with. Life seemed to brighten for the little girl a little more until she came.

"Hi, my name is Makenzie," the girl asks stretching out her arm a fake smile plastered onto her face. Her pink glasses resting on her nose her dark brown eyes glinting with mischievousness. The freckles that dotted her face reminded the little girl of specks of dirt, as Makenzie's brown hair parted in the middle flowed just below her shoulders. "You're the new girl, right?"

"Y-yeah," the little girl replied taking Makenzie's small hand into hers carefully. 

"Welcome," Makenzie said flashing her crooked smile before returning to her seat. The girl seemed nice to the little girl, but that was before the pot started to boil. 

Weeks had passed and Makenzie started giving judging looks towards the little girl who sat across the room. The girl just brushed it off, thinking it was intended for someone behind. 

She was wrong. 

A month had passed and everyone int he class liked the little girl and found her funny, all besides Makenize who would just roll her eyes and scoff. Maybe she just doesn't like my jokes the little girl though. 

She was wrong. 

A few more months had passed and the little girl started to notice some of her belongings disappearing off her desk. First, it was a pencil, then it was more pencils. Then it was an eraser, but then it was more erasers. Maybe I'm just forgetting them somewhere, the little girl thought as she searched for her missing supplies. Ignoring the devious grin from her fellow classmate from a few rows over. 

She was wrong. 

Everything the little girl did, made Makenzie resent her. Every time the little girl smiled and was happy, it made Makenzie hate her. How the little girl had friends who cared for her, made Makenzie loathe the girl with every part of her being. 

"Just you wait, Payton. Your happy beginning will crumble and go down in flames."  Makenzie seethed who crooked teeth twisting into a wicked grin. Her cousin James noticed this as he looked at his cousin to the student who wasn't so new anymore. 

"Your happy life will become sour, and I will make it that way." 


AN: I'm so sorry I haven't been posting. I've been working so hard on my newest story, "Gang Gang", that I haven't had the time to write a new chapter for this one. The continuation of this chapter will be coming soon. 

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