Christmas Tradition

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"Payton!" my little sister coos as she sprints towards me. "Tomorrow is the 24th, our Christmas!" The little girl smiled at her younger sister who jumps in circles in joy around the kitchen, rattling everything. 

"Hey, stop jumping!" their mothers stern voice echoes from the living room. 

"Sorry," Reagan replies before giggling. "Payton? Why is our Christmas tomorrow and not on the 25th?" 

"Ours is tomorrow because on Christmas day we have to wake up early to go to grandmas house to celebrate Christmas there," the little girl says. 

"Oh," Reagan says her lips forming into a slight pout. "Can we have a sleepover tonight in your room?" She asks her eyes lighting up as quickly as they faded just moments ago. 

"Why?" the little girl asks perplexed by the youngers random request. 

"So we can stay up late and look for Santa. duh!" she cries rolling her eyes slightly at her older sisters "stupidity". 

"What?!" the little girl pouts curling her lower lip and clutching her chest as if she had been shot. "You just want to have a sleepover in my room to find Santa and not because you like hanging out with your cool older sister! I'm offended!!" 

Reagan giggled and hit her older sister at her actions. "Yeah," she says still giggling her eyes crinkling. 

"Fine then, no sleepover for you!" the little girl says crossing her arms dramatically and turning away from her sister. 

"NO! PLEASE LET ME HAVE A SLEEPOVER! PRETTY PLEASE!" Reagan cries clutching onto her older sisters sleeve before hugging her from behind, her head reaching the middle of her back. 

"Okay, but only if you say I'm the coolest sister ever!" the little girl says turning around to face the younger. 

"Your the coolest sister ever, Payton!" Reagan coos before jumping into the little girls' arms engulfing her in a hug. 


"Come on Reagan, get settled already! Mom and Dad said we are supposed to be in bed., and they can come in here at any second!" the little girl says as she watches her younger sister frantically set up her spot on the floor for the night before their parents come in to tell them goodnight.

"I'm t-trying!" Reagan says her voice shaking as her face is illuminated by the pink Christmas tree glowing on the little girls' dresser at the foot of her bed.  Just as Reagan threw herself down onto her pile of pillows and blankets on the floor by the little girls closet, their parents walked in whispering their goodnight to their "sleeping" girls before shutting the door behind them. The two siblings giggled at their parents and how their parents dismissed the fact that they were fake sleeping. 

After what seemed like hours the two girls calmed down from their little fits of giggles and planned on going to sleep. But the younger, seemed to have different ideas.

"Payton?" Reagan whispers from her spot on the floor. 

"What?" the little girl replied with her eyes closed as she tried to sleep. 

"Can you sing me a song?"

"Reagan,... we're supposed to be asleep."

"Please," she pleaded. 

"Fine what song."

"How about 'Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas'?" 

"Okay, but after I finish you have to promise to go to sleep," the little girl says sticking her pinky out towards her sister her laid on the ground beside her. 

"Okay," she says wrapping her small pinky around her sisters sealing the deal.

The little girl then takes in her last big breath before she sings the song, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

~~A/N- Play the song now :)~~

~~Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight~~

~~Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away~~

The little girl sings her voice the only thing being heard within the small room, as her face grows red as she continues...

~~Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more~~

~~Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
So have yourself a merry little Christmas~~

~~Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more~~

~~Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
So have yourself a merry little Christmas~~

As the song ends the little girl sighs in relief that the pink light given off from the tree hides her red face.  

"Alright now let's go to bed," the little girls muffled voice says from underneath the covers her warm breath radiating off the walls of the comforter warming her cheeks.

"But, Payton...," Reagan whines as she sits up to look at her "Grinch" of a sister.

"No, buts you pinky promised," the little girl says cutting her off before shifting on the bed facing away from her. 

The two girls then lay in silence for a long time. And the little girl assumes her sister finally dozed off, only to be disappointed again.

 "Payton," Reagan whispers breaking the silence.

"What?" the little girl snaps slightly annoyed by her sisters' persistence. 

"That was beautiful." 

The little girl's heart twinged with joy at the compliment given by the younger as she hid her smile under the covers. 

"Thank you, now let's go to sleep,"

"Okay, but one last thing," Reagan says shifting nervously on her mound of items. "Let's make this our Christmas Tradition, okay? So every year before our Christmas we have a sleepover in your room no matter where we are." 

"Alright, but go to bed otherwise Santa won't come,"the little girl said.

"Goodnight Payton," her sister says after shifting on the floor nuzzling herself up to her chin in her 6 blankets. 

"Goodnight Reagan." 

And with that, the two girls fell asleep dreaming of the many gifts they'd open tomorrow and the many years later they'd continue this tradition. 

A/N: 1,029 words

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