Little Crushes

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The little girl had this boy in her class.

They had been friends since her first year there.

He was funny, smart, and light-hearted.

He was everything the little girl could ask for. 

Except, that their total opposites

His name was Justin, he was the popular sporty kid. 

While she was the overweight, loser.

Total, complete opposites. 

He would come over to her house and they'd play Minecraft together until the sunset or she'd go to his house and play games there. 

They had a nice friendship, to where they each enjoyed the others company. 

But, she liked him anyway, and he liked her too, but as friends.

"Justin, do you like anyone?" she asked her cheeks slightly flushed.

"Yeah, I do," he said smiling brightly.


"My beautiful girlfriend, Jenna. Do you have one?"

Her heart shattered into millions of pieces, as she tried to fight back tears. She stared into his brown doe eyes, 'No,... I don't."

A Lonely 14-Year-Olds LifeWhere stories live. Discover now