School Hardships

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The little girl was new at her school. It had been a few months since she first arrived there in the small town. 

Knoxville, the place she now calls home. The home of the bullets and now her home. 

She has made a few close friends since the first day of school and gets along with many of her classmates. 

Her best friend there is Janna a shy girl with pale skin, a skinny figure, and bleach blonde hair. 

Life had been going well for the little girl, it was full of laughs and giggles smiles and games of tag. 

That was until a girl named Makenzie ruined the girls' life forever. Her life was now filled with tears and hurtful words and violence and hatred.

Makenzie was a short girl with a medium frame, her pink glasses framing her brown eyes that grew with hate. Her long light brown hair parted in the middle of her head.

She would call the little girl mean names like fat and ugly. She would take the little girls things and vandalize them and claim them to be her own. 

Makenzie's cousin, Jacob, would always apologize for his cousins' cruel behavior towards the little girl. Causing the little girl to like and trust him as an individual, seeing he was nothing like his rotten cousin. 

{ Time skip to Spring of 2012 }

The little girl is slowly deteriorating as an individual, as herself. She slowly feels the person she used be not existing anymore and being replaced with the way others see her. 

She is scared for the future and what it brings, scared for what new torment Makenzie will bring. 

What new ways she will try to break the little girls well being and break her strength. 

The little girl puts on her mask that holds a permanent smile before boarding the bus heading to school. 

She sits next to her sister, in the same seat, at the same time every day. Her torment has become apart of her schedule for it was a daily occurrence. 

She walks down the halls with her head down low, scared to meet the eyes of her bully. Behind the mask, her eyes shed tears and hold the look of fear. But she hides it well with the mask shes made and wears every day. 

She faces her bully again as she stands in the doorway, laughing and pointing her finger at the little girl. 

Her mask shows she's smiling and not being bothered by Makenzie, when behind the mask she's afraid, crying, and hating herself for not being perfect like the others. 

Why am I so different? 

Why was I made this way? 

God, why did you make one of your children imperfect?

How could you make one of your children, whom which you love, so ugly?

A Lonely 14-Year-Olds LifeWhere stories live. Discover now