Losing Baby Teeth

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She hands the small unknown white object to her mother who stares blankly at it.

MATT COME HERE!" her mother yells for he father, he arrives shortly after wearing pajama pants and an old t-shirt.

"What?" he asks nonchalantly rubbing his few strands of hair he has remaining on his head.

"Here," the little girl's mother says handing him the weird object. "Payton handed this to me and I don't know what it is, so I was hoping you could tell me."

Her father stares at the tiny object rolling it over in his large hands, while her mother finishes her sister's hair.

"Where did you get this anyway?" she asks her eyebrows raised in confusion.

"From my mouth." the little girl responds.

"WHAT?!" she cries in horror.

"Yep, she did." her father says. "It's her baby tooth."

"MY TEETH ARE FALLING OUT!" the little girl cries in shock clamping her hand over her mouth.

"Everyone has had it happen to them, but don't worry knew ones grow in. Soon your sister will be having them fall out too." her father replies carelessly as if this meant nothing to him as if it almost bored him.

 Once her mother finishes her sister's braid she opens the little girl's mouth and inspects it as if she's a dentist.

"How did you even lose it?" her mother asks staring at her after removing her hands from her mouth.

"I was playing ToonTown when something fell in my mouth. And when I spit it out I found this," she says pointing to the object called a 'tooth'. "And I didn't know what it was so I asked you, and now I know that it's a tooth," she finishes smiling brightly a small gap where the tooth once was, now empty.

"You're growing up to fast for me," her mother says ruffling her daughter's hair before taking the tooth from her husband's hands and running off. "I'm gonna go put this in the scrapbook." 

The little girl looks at her father who walks back to where he once came from, before returning to her game sticking her tongue in the new space in the mouth and enjoying the weird feeling. 

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