Ch. 4 The fearless and risk taking daughter of Captain James Hook

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"Ahoay !"

"Polo !"

"Ahoay !"

"Polo !"

A girl with blond hair with a couple beads on them, brownish-oragnish eyes and a black headband swings on a rope as she swings around an old pirate ship with a few of her friends. She wore a somewhat modern version of an pirate outfit with her a talyored version of her father's red jacket with stripes on it.

This was CJ Hook the fearless yet youngest daughter of Captain James Hook. She is known on the Isle for her risk taking. CJ wasn't crazy,ruthless or unpredictable like her siblings. She was actually smart and clever when it comes to coming up with plans, tricking her enemies or just to prove a point.

But what made her way different from her father and her siblings is the way she earns people's respect and make people follow her. Her siblings used fear and imtdation to make people respect and fear them, CJ on the other hand used her tricks to impress people. CJ had fearless wrestled an coracdial without getting hurt, she didn't even have a scratch and that made the people on the Isle respect her. Heck she even used her tricks to take over an major of the Isle without even hurting a fly.

And what does The youngest daughter of Captain Hook do with her new land, well have fun with her fellow villian of course. CJ Hook didn't really have plans to do anything drastic with her new found land besides she had other plans with her life like getting her own pirate ship and getting out of Isle so she can leave her dream of sailing the seven seas with just her and that gorgeous ship she's been dreaming up so badly.

Sure she was on an pirate ship but this old hunk of junk was long past it's sailing days and it wasn't CJ stly anyway.

"Ahoay !" CJ calls out again as she watches Mr. Smee's 5 year old twin boys swing on the ropes with exited grins.

Theses boys where called Squkey and Squirmy and CJ's favorite little friends that she's always happy to baby sit when Mr. Smee had to go with her father on sea trips which was alot

"Polo !" The Smee twins call back as they swing towards CJ.

Currently CJ, Squkey and Squirmy and few VK'S where playing Hohoay, Polo while swing on the ships ropes as CJ'S best friend Freddie the oldest daughter of Dr. Facilier plays chase music on her guitar that she difinaly stole.

Her second friend Lydie the the daughter of Lefou was singing while swing on a rope and hitting a post.

Her others friends like Goth son of Mother Gothal, Anothny Termaine son of Anstasia Termaine and Zeveon grandson of Yzma where doing thire own things. Goth was obsavial picking follwers, Zeveon was working on potions and Anothny being the lazy sack of bones he was was sleeping on a beach not wanting to do anything physical.

CJ lands her feets on the ships deck. A boy with dyed light purple and pink hair, cat ears, cat tail and eyes slanted like a cat's appeared above them with a huge Cheshire grin.

"Well look what the cat dragged in" CJ giggles.

"Never heard that one before" The Cheshire boy said sarcasticly.

The Cheshire boy is Chase Cheshire the son of Cheshire cat and former student of Audoan prep. You see Chase use to be a student Auradon prep 5 years ago before he was suspended from Auradon prep and sent to live in the Isle. You may be asking yourself what did Chase do so bad that he had been sent to the Isle.

Well Chase being the mischievous cat like his father wanted to impress his crush Ally so he stole a neckleaces from queen Bell. Chase had been caught. In King beast eyes he was a threat to his queen but Bella seeing the good in everybody including Chase so she forgave him but King Beast didn't so he threw Chase in the Isle of the lost never to return to Auradon.

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