Cn.28 Into the Church

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Decaited to Cameron Boyce

Gil starred at the church , his eyes widen. He might not be the smartest in his friend group but he had an bad feeling in his gut that was telling him not to go in there. Gil found himself holding an tree while Mal was talking to the others. Gil was thankful Evie and Carlos thought this was bad idea too.

"Mal I don't think we should go in there" Evie said.

"It's haunted !" Gil whimpers.

"Don't be an baby Gil" Harry mutters.

"Hey be nice to him Harry !" Evie snares before turing back to Mal.

"Maybe we should go back" Evie said.

Mal suddenly holds her head in pain.


The voice kept calling her and calling her.

"It keeps calling me" Mal whimpers.

"What's calling her ?" Uma asks.

"What do we do ?" Jay asks concerned.

"Maybe we should search this place just in case" Carlos said cautiously.

"Okay but only for 10 mintues we split up and then meet back up with her" Evie said as Mal nods.

"No I'm not going in there !" Gil said in fright waving his hands around.

Evie and Mal look at each other. Mal brings out an smoore.

"Gil, Would you do if for an smoore ?" Mal asks trying to pull something out of Scooby-Doo.

Gil shackes his head no.

Evie pulls out 2 more smoores.

"Would do it for 3 smoores ?" Evie asks gentle.

Gil thinks about it.

"Yes !" Gil said.

Mal throws it into his mouth which he catches. Harry just face palms as he walks over to door and kicks it down. They enter the church. This place looked huge on inside. Gil whimpers at darkness, Evie pats his back.

"Okay we split, Me,Harry and Uma in an group, Carlos and Jay in one and evie and Gil in one" Mal said.

Gil tries to leave the church but Evie pulls him in keeping an hand on arm, so he wouldn't go anywhere.

"One hour will meet back outside" Jay said as Carlos and Jay go in one direction and Evie and Gil go in another. Gil looking scared.

Harry huffs looking at Mal and Uma. They trio begins to head left into the hallway, not know the eyes of pictures on the walls, where watching them.


Jay and Carols had gone left of the large church that lead them to an hallway full of amor knight stautes. Jay started to mess around with the stautes while Carols was looking further down the hallway.

Unknowest to them Maleficent was hiding behind the wall at the end of the hallway. Her staff in her hand and an evil smirk on her face. She waves her septor at the knight stautes causing green smoack to srounded them. Jay was to busy messing around them to even notice. Jay laughs moving the arms up and down.

Suddenly the knight staute snaps his head towards Jay. Jay let's out an supries scream. Carlos looks back and his eyes widen in pure shock as the knight stautes where coming alive and they where armored with big swords.

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